Thursday, April 14, 2011

Work It Out

I don't know if it's the adrenaline, or the physical and mental focus, or just spending that much positive time  with family that has me feeling so great after these work outs, but I feel awesome; especially with all the compliments I get from random people just on my way home...I feel like I'd be glowing. I think that's what I'm trying to say. Hehe. I just feel good, like, no heart break or dumb guy or slow economy or bad driver or upset burger flipper or anyone could make me feel any lower. I'm too high. Not literally high. I don't do that. You should know that :P But I just...I don't know. I feel Batgirl. Haha. I just need a sweat sweat motorcycle. Lara Croft ain't got nothing on me...except maybe longer hair, but I can't control that. What I CAN control is how I feel about life right now. It's not at the best it can be, but I'm making the best of it and doing my best to keep it moving on up.

Back to the original blog purpose...some people ask me why I'm working out. "You look good already." "You don't need to work out, you're already thin." I'm not trying to get thinner and working out isn't just to get thinner. I'm trying to put muscle where I need it and get more flexible and fit and healthy so in 10 years I'm not hobbling around complaining about my knees or my back or my feet. I'm working out the kinks before they get here. That's how I've always done things. Be prepared. And if you can't be prepared, be adaptable.

So what, you brought a sword to a gun fight. Yea, the sword was preparation for possible combat, but not in this scenario...until you use that sword to reflect the bullets back at the shooters. That's adapting. I spent all of grade school preparing. Got to college and had to do a bit of adapting, but I was mostly prepared for it. Got out of college and had to adapt again. Nothing can prepare you for everything. And when you get to that something you aren't prepared for, you've gotta stay focused and adapt to the new situation. Don't get angry. Don't get too scared. Just be cool, calm, and collected in your mind, and your body will follow. That's another thing working out is teaching me. Mind over matter. I've got the basics. Now I'm expanding my grasp.

And now I'm going to bed :P I really hope somebody is getting something out of reading my nonsense :) I think I've said this already. Probably. Oh well. Enjoy your day. You deserve to. Why? Hahaha. Why not?


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