Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sparkling Real

if it doesn't sparkle, it probably isn't real
that's why they had to make rudolph's nose so shiny
and that's also why gangsters wear so much bling
and that was yet another twilight joke ^_^
oh, and it also explains fairies and why "real" women wear glitter
I had to post this with an explanation. It makes too much sense not to. I'm talking to Astro my Mastro (AJ) on skype about the origins of human races and things of the sort and after carefully describing the origins (way back in the day there were these fruits that were absolutely amazing. but of course, as humans do, we over used them without letting them replenish and soon there was only one of these fruits left, and thus began the human race to the last amazing fruit. and thats how human races originated), Astro commented that the information "is actually pretty compelling information" and "mainstream would have hard time beliving it." So, of course, I had to figure out why and came to the conclusion that things have to sparkle to be real. That's why Twilight vampires sparkle, why rudolph's nose glows, why women wear glitter, why gangsters "bling", and why...brain fart...freak...oh unicorns! Yea. People believe in unicorns that fly over the rainbow because of their glitter. NOT pegasus who actually have wings. Hehe. What a world we live in. Why do you think the 3 wise kings brought Jesus gold dust? 'Cause it's shiny and if they sprinkle him with it, it makes him real. If fairies didn't sparkle, no one would believe they were real, too. Glitter, glow, bling, sparkles, shine. That stuff makes you real nowadays in society's eyes. I'm glad imaginary friends don't sparkle. I don't want to be real in society's eyes.

Think about it,
Nasia :)

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