Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Awesome Dream O_O

I had this dream...take the overall theme, look, and bamf-ness of Sucker Punch, Kids Next Door, and Zombieland, and then read this...that's what this dream looked like...

I'm laying in my bed when Renya comes bursting in my room. "We're gonna be late! Mouse, wake up." I get up and get ready. Its pooring outside. None of us can find our acid rain gear. Before we can leave, our teachers are already at the door. No one misses school. There were three of them; A short asian woman of about 40 or 50 years old in an off-white skirt suit, a spanish woman of about 40 also in a dark brown skirt suit, and a tall white man in a navy blue pants suit. With them was a group of police guards. I'm still in the house. Reyna comes back in. "C'mon they're waiting for you." I go the the asian lady thats talking to Karissa. She beats me in the hand with a ball point pen. I look at her crazy. She tries to hit me with it again after telling me about being late to school. I move my hand away "I get it lady, but it was acid rain. Not our fault."

I go to the weird tall white guy in the blue suit standing next to the lady in the brown suit. He tries to hit me with his pen now. I swing my binder out and stop his hand. "What?" "Look dude, I didn't even let her hit me twice. You're not hitting me once." He laughs a deep laugh with his head thrown back. He swings again, this time trying to hit my with his hand. Nope. Binder in the way. He keeps swinging like it's Whack-A-Mole. I keep blocking. He throws the pen toward my knees. It stabs into my binder and falls out. I pick it up and hesitantly hand it to the asian lady. I wanted to throw it back at him. "I...uh...didnt want to step on it..." She nods. He starts throwing spoons. Don't ask me where he got them from. I dodge them and pick them up at the same time. Then he starts throwing forks. Next thing i know h'es running at me with butter knives. I do a fancier than necessary flip over him and take all my gathered utensils and fire them all at once straight at him. He's pinned to my front porch. 

The spanish lady has seen enough and dismisses everyone. Besides, by this time school was almost out. My girls have all left for the day to party or something. The teachers left, too. It's just me, standing on my porch watching the blue suited man remove the utensils. Just after he leaves, I hear an explosion. I run into my house and gather my supplies. Doesn't matter what the explosion was for, I need to be ready for it. Flashlights, lighters, blankets, food, water, everything. I didn't even see where the explosion came from. I find my Jon all ready to go, too. He gets in his pod and leaves. Just as I'm running to get in mine, Mr. Spoon-Flinger takes his final revenge and kills my engine with his utensils and then runs off. I take my rubber boots and penguin hood and goggles and walk out the door. No sense trying to catch up to Jon. He'll be safe. The afterblast of the explosion flies past me. Might as well figure out what it came from. The girls are probably fine. They have their pods. They're smart.

I make my way toward the city and everyone is scrambling in every direction. I manage to run into Christy and Jim. Jim tells me I need to find a pacifier and shades with glowing rims. He doesn't know why. "Some old dude told me to make sure I have them in my arsenal." I keep that in mind.

Somehow I got split up from them in the chaos. I found myself in a large courtyard. There's a bunch of large armoured gremlin-like dudes carrying large poles with hooks attached over their shoulders. On the pointed end of the hooks are people. They're hanging by their skin. Still alive. Hey, I know one of them. I follow them.

I recognize a few of them from grocery stores and other places around the city and the one I know is Amber's mom. I follow them until they enter this large building. The armored guys exit without noticing me. I go in. The people are laying on huge metal shelves, still hanging slightly on the hooks. I help Amber's mom off. She's delirious from the blood loss. I take her into a back room and bandage her up. She needs sugar. I don't have any. I try to find a back exit to this vaguely familiar building as Amber's mom takes out a lighter and starts playing with it. "We cant waste it Ms. Cotter." I shove it into my pocket. We hear someone coming and I slip us both out a random window. With her leaning against me, we hobble around the building. There's a whole bunch of those armoured dudes playing basketball and hanging out like it's high school. We're in a high school. My old high school. I figure the safest place is that courtyard I first stumbled in when I lost Christy and Jim. "Lean on me as much as you need to Ms.Cotter, but we gotta move real fast." I go as fast and carefully as i can across the basketball court and into the courtyard.

A wild headed girl of about 16 years comes running up to me as I enter the courtyard. "You might wanna take some cover!" she giggles as she shows me what looks like clothes tag mixed with a tiny firecracker. I know what it is. She hands it to her friend "I know you wanna do it!" She lights it and her friend throws it into the center of the courtyard. I run as fast as I can with Ms.Cotter on my back and see a vending machine on my way into a small bathroom. Before I can even sit Ms.Cotter down, I feel the whole bathroom move. We're in a catapult. It's too late to try to leave. The whole bathroom flies through the air with us in it. An actual bathroom. Not a port-o-potty or a single stall. We land strangely unharmed, but dusty, right behind a dirty old chase lounge chair. I see the explosive from the wild headed girl just about to explode 5 feet in front of the chair. We take cover behind the chair. It explodes. We're even more dusty now, but unharmed.

The "leader" of this little courtyard come over. He's a round-bellied, but muscular guy with spiky hair and a dirty yellow headband. "You guys ok?" He sticks out his hand and I take it, holding onto Ms.Cotter. "Yea. You ok Ms.Donna? She needs some sugar." I don't know why I called her by her first name this time. The guy kicks a mostly eaten and/or destroyed Snickers bar over to me. "Here eat this." It's not enough, but she can open her eyes now. I remember the vending machine. "Stay here." I run to it. I have 4 quarters in my back pocket that Jon gave me to buy him some soda. "I owe ya one Jon." I get her a Payday. The packaging is red. I don't know why. It doesn't really matter. I bring it to her. Slowly, she's revived. "Thank you chocolate!" I say as  I look up to the sky. The leader guy looks around, stands on a broken up concrete bench and announces "Alright people, if we're gonna live we need to figure out who's the leader here and all that sort of thing!" "No...," I whisper. "Hey wait! Listen. We cant go back to that. That took us here where we are now. We need to gather aroun-" "See why i cleared the courtyard?" wild head girl interrupts and smiles. "Good job" I tell her, smiling back. She danced off in accomplishment. Everyone gathered in the courtyard. "We need to work on equal levels. No one is better than anyone else and everyone will do what needs to be done simply because it needs to be done. If someone asks why, tell them why, honestly. No one likes to do anything for no reason. Even I'm going to be helping. I'm not better than any of you. If you judge a fish on how well it could walk, it would think it was retarded, too. We all have different strengths and we're gonna help each other out." They all cheer. The pot belly guy smiles and pats my back. "Alright liddo lady, looks like we got ourselves a spokesperson." They cheer again. "I'm not going to lead this survival attempt, but I will do what I can to ensure what I can."

Soon we see a large group of armoured guys walking towards us. It's a bunch of people, not gremlins. They're holding black flags with a gold trim. "We are the nomads of Go-rion Section 252 of World of Warcraft." Oh geez, I say to myself. "We are conquering this land as our home field. You have 6 hours to remove yourselves or we-" "um no look", I interrupt. "There is no conquering of anything except to get this city back in order and figuring out whats going on." He looks at me terrified. He's shaking. I poke his chest and he falls over. "Alright guys, nomads of Go-rion, you're now a part of this city, too, if you would like. You can either help us figure out whats going on, or stay out of the way as much as you can. If you need help, we'll help you. If you need food, we'll feed you, but only take what you need and no more. This is an honest society now. Want to lie? Go hang with our new friends the armored goblin guys." The goblin/gremlin guys soon became known as Aggs (Armored Goblin Guys).

Everything was settled. The people are helping each other. There's no arguing. No fighting. On one of my runs around the courtyard, I find Tak, who has also found Christy and Jim. Tak has a pacifier hanging around his neck. We walk into a rave. Pacifier...oh! "Tak! Why do I need a pacifier?" He hands me one. It's pink. I make a flat line face -_- I see a bunch hanging on a wall. I take a red one and hand Christy and Jim some. They light up. They're just light up pacifiers. Nothing special. Next thing I know Aggs are crashing the party. They're looking for...ME?! In the chaos of the party crash, we manage to find glow sticks and futuristic looking shades with rims that glow. Of course, mine are red. Jim and Christy take green and yellow. Tak's are blue. We manage to escape the rave crash easily. Aggs cant decifer differences from things that look extremely similar. They only know large differences like height, weight, and certain facial characteristics that are noticeably different to a certain extreme. That's why they all have exaggerated facial features; Super long noses, tiny ears, big eyes, and a tiny mouth, or some other combination of mixed up sizes. They definitely look strange and they're, of course, green. Some a little bluer, yellower, darker, dirtier, etc etc, but all in all, green. I take Jim, Christy, and Tak to Ms.Donna who can now kind of explain what happened to her. Another explosion goes off in the same place I heard it from before. I wake up...THE END

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