Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So I find myself sitting at my desk, doing an art test at this very moment and I wonder, how did I manage to be right here right now? All of these opportunities I find knocking on my door, how do they get here? All these guys I have wanting to make me happy, where did they come from? I wish I could say all this random money appearing, but sadly that's not the case just yet. Still, I have all of this coming to me and to some it might look like it just comes easy to me. Like I'm just blessed. Blessed with the ability to throw a crap load of spaghetti at the wall. Where do these opportunities come from? They come from all the bait I've been throwing out into the world. All the business cards I hand out and all the people I meet and help and talk to and give the pleasure of a simple conversation. I don't take hold of one opportunity and run with it. I take them all and put just enough of myself into each according to it's most possible success rate. How I figure that out is pure instinct. I can't even begin to explain it outside of saying I know what I feel and that's what I go for, especially since my way isn't always the right way for everyone. It's the right way for me. Hasn't failed me yet. (knock on wood).




So...my mom made a protein shake for us and ever since I started working out I've been hooked to them. I think it's the banana.

And now for some more random stuff, I'm animating and all I can think of is ACtion spyDAAAAA!!! I don't know what that is, but that's what I'm thinking...and it's making me laugh every time I think it. Oh well...

Animating does something strange to my brain...I can't quite explain it, but I think this blog does that enough...I hope. Well, Back to work.

Nasia :P

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