Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fall and Rise

"Never will I allow someone to crush me so hard that I cannot get back up. Even if I did allow them to, never would they be able to for I was built too strong, too tough, and too stubborn." -Me :P
They say to love someone is to give them the ability to destroy you, but trust that they will never do it. I believe this is true. I also believe that though I might give someone the ability to do such a thing, no one but the people that created me can destroy me. Twice I have risen from this "destruction."


Life is like the Jesus want to get to the top and you climb and climb and climb, but you always feel like you're still on that first step. A lot of people give up and take the trail back down before they even get halfway there and some people are so close to the top, but they "just can't make it"and take the trail back down. Sometimes just that extra mental effort, that internal push to keep going, will give you all that extra physical strength you need to make it to the top. To simply believe that you have worked hard enough and deserve a break will not get you what you want. No matter how much you think you've done already, you won't actually have done enough until you have what you want in your hands. God won't give you a house because you make enough money to buy one. You have to go find that house, find the owner, pay him, etc. That's all a part of earning the reward. You can't just plant the seed and think that's enough. Plant it, water it, climb the tree, and pick your orange. But wait! You still can't eat it until you peel it. Those other steps are all a part of the journey. Though small and seemingly insignificant, they mean a lot in the end. And many times you might feel you've reached the point where there's nothing else left for you to do and you wonder where your reward is. I think that's the point where God is merely trying to teach you that you can't expect your reward to just appear after you've taken the steps to get there. You now need to learn some patience. Like baking a cake. You've got all the ingredients. You've mixed them. You even milked the cow yourself and raised the chickens for their eggs. Now, where's your cake? You have to put it all in the oven and WAIT! You can't rush the cake. Only a cake baked at 450ยบ for exactly 15 minutes* will be perfectly moist with no traces of burns. It's the way things have to be. I don't make the rules. Hell, I could be wrong about the rules, but so far, these seem to work for me. Sometimes I make mistakes and take the cake out too soon or not soon enough and end up with mush or something close to an edible brick. All you can do is try again. If you learn from your mistakes and keep at it, you'll be a professional baker one day. Who knows? God knows. :P

And I'm not trying to be crazy religious with this stuff. I believe that all religions are probably true to some degree. I don't read the bible or the koran or do chants or daily prayers or go to church all the time or anything of the sort. If you don't believe in God, maybe you believe in Buddha, or Zeus, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or whoever. Maybe you don't believe in any omnipotent being. That doesn't matter so much as your belief that you have the ability to be and do anything. You could even fly if your belief in gravity wasn't so strong.

Nasia :P

*(Temperature and time are not accurate. They're just to help prove my point.)

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