Thursday, April 7, 2011

Random Rant Again

"i wish i could record the things i say sometimes. i think i'd blow my own mind"
So, yea I just said this and now I'm quoting myself again, right after I just finished ranting on something else. Who cares?! It's my blog :P But for serious, if someone talked to me the way I talk to people, I'd think they were a total weirdo...or I'd be like OMG you understand me! No one understands me. And I don't mean that in the emo-OMG-I-want-to-die-because-no-one-understands-me kind of way. I just mean that too often when I talk people are like wah? That's the joy of being Plutonian I guess. And I suppose a lot of the things I say are recorded right here in this blog. But if you heard me explain something in Nuke right after I just finished explaining how I'm from Pluto or what I do to fall asleep at night, you'd be like, are you the same person? My mind travels through a different set of freeways than most people. They're so busy going in a straight line. Break the 4th dimension and travel through time, space, color, light, EVERYTHING! If in your mind you have no limitations, in the real world, you have even less, because your first REAL limitation is yourself. :P


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