Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I Feel Like I Could Fall & Other Rant-ic Topics

Today, I feel like I could fall in love. Not necessarily that I have someone in mind or anything of that sort. I just feel like if the right person came around, I'd be able to give in now. I'd be able to let go and free fall. I tried not too long ago to free fall and found myself still deeply anchored to the top of the cliff. I think I'm no longer anchored anymore. I THINK. I feel like the weights are being lifted and now I just need to go through the last stages of recovery and I'll be FREEEE! Haha. Yea...anyway...I'd like to have one of those dates like they do in movies where you just met this person but somehow you instantly know what you feel and it's a good feeling. Not this hanging out thing where you kind of like the guy 'cause he's not a bad person and manages to keep you laughing which actually doesn't mean much because anyone can make me laugh...but you don't actually FEEL anything. You just have fun, which is still nice, but if I can't hit a point of like, omg why didn't I meet you years ago?! then it's kind of a bummer. Like...it can even be when you're just making friends. Like when I met Christy. We talked for a bit mostly online and the whole time I was just like, YOU ARE AMAZING! XD Like seriously though, we were both wondering how we could get along so easily. It was like roommate match made in heaven. I almost put like 4 M's in roommate...XD Christy is amazing though. ^_^ And I have several friends that I just had that connection with from the start. Amber is definitely one of them. OPE, I turn around and there's Amber, laughing up a storm with Kelly. It's like I "fall in friendship" with them. XD Not in love. 'Cause that would be weird. Though I bet they wouldn't mind. Hahahaha. It's just a connection you have with some friends more than others. It doesn't make them necessarily more your friend than your other friends. It's just a subconscious bond that takes place. Idunno. I think it makes sense...somehow...^_^ Some people call it falling in love at first sight. I'm not sure how possible that can be unless you read body language so well that you can determine every characteristic and quality about a person just by the way they are posed when you first see them. That would be pretty cool, but I doubt it'd be completely accurate. I DO know that the possibility of falling in love is often deterred by certain first sights though. Like if I see a guy with the top of his pants under his butt, no matter how cute his face might be, I'd like to get to know a guy before I get to know his underwear color. You know? Pahahahaha! Man...what is this world coming to?

Nasia :P

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