Saturday, April 9, 2011

Penguin Head

I am a penguin head. The story behind this awesome hat isn't nearly as cool as the hat itself, but I guess everything can't be that awesome. Any who, I was hanging out in Hollywood, on Hollywood Blvd and there's this little store where people shout "$10!!!! EVERYTHING IN THE STORE JUST $10!!!!" I was trying to get in touch with a friend who didn't have a cell phone at the time and my best bet was interweb connections, so I found myself in Starbucks right next to this $10 Boutique. Sadly, I couldn't connect to the internet there, but I figured I'd wander around this store and see what it has. Of course, it was all souvenirs and hats and jewelry and things of that sort. While I was in there, this girl kept shouting "$6.99 YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES!!!" And of course the time went down as time does. "BUT ONLY IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE BLUE BASKETS!!!" Next thing I know I have a blue basket with a black LA hat in it. I put it on like 100 times hoping one of those times I would like it.  By the end of the $6.99 sale I still hadn't made up my mind, but woahoahoa! now everything is $5.99. I'm like cool. So I keep wandering. I've got 20 more minutes to take advantage of this $5.99 thing. I leave the store with nothing. Couldn't make up my mind. I find myself at another starbucks where I manage to get internet and in touch with my friend. Did I mention I also got paid? So I kinda felt like I deserved a little something for myself. Now I'm back on Hollywood Blvd and it's freezing. My hood is doing nothing. I see $10-shouting-guys again. They have cheetahs on their heads. I see a little girl. She has a koala on her head. I walk into the $10 Boutique, turn left, see the animal hats, put on a wolf. Naw, that's not me. I put on a cheetah. Nope, not that one either. There's ONE penguin. I put it on. I check myself a few times. Red plaid boots, black and white plaid scarf, black skinny jeans, grey peacoat, penguin hat. Yes! I'm just in time for another $6.99 only deal. Because it's ONLY right now that I can get that deal. Haha. Yea, right. I put on my hat. My ears are warm. I walk to the train station. From that point until I get home, at least 10 people asked me for my number or told me I was cute or really looked like they wanted to or something along those lines. I mean, that's not different from any other day except that this day I have a penguin on my head. And guys of all sorts still want to talk to me. Confused? A bit. Amused? Highly. Self-esteem boost? +500 ^_^ And that's not even the end of it! On one of the trains is this woman singing folks songs and talking to herself. At one of the stops these two dudes get on talking about getting high or something and I'm standing next to this guy with a guitar and wildly curly crazy cool hair. The two dudes start talking about how one of them should hit a beat so the other can rap to the lady's folk songs. And then she starts singing thriller, but still in the folk song sort of tune. Everyone in the train is cracking up at with the guys and I actually recorded it. The guitar guy was sort of talking to me the whole ride and we exchanged business cards. You never know when a musician might want a music video with some awesome effects or something in it. Who knows? I took advantage of the opportunity. So the folk song lady starts talking about how she volunteers at the hospital where her husband stays and the two rapping guys are all into the conversation. They get off the train. I get off the train and go to get on the next train. Upon getting off that train I see a guy on a horse walking down the street. I took a picture. I'll post it at the end of all of this. Anyway, after the horse, this guy walks up to me. "Hey, can I ask you something?" "Sure." "How old are you?" Ok, the last guy I told I was 20 and he asked me for my number while I tried very hard to walk faster than him. I managed to shake him. "16" I say. He looks disappointed. " you have a boyfriend?" He still persists. "Naw I just broke up with him." Not a total lie, but it's been like 3 months now. "Oh, are you talking to anybody?" "Nope. Not trying to really." "Oh, ok. I can respect that. You're really pretty." "Thanks." "Goodnight" "Goodnight." He walks back to where he was sitting. My little bro pulls up with my mom in the passenger seat. I open the door. "All the seat belts work back here right?"


The horse is on the left...
 This one...well, I had seen this written on the bench thing that you can see in the horse picture when I was on that side of the street one time. I'd seen it again waiting at the bus stop this particular morning. I took the picture to prove that I was NOT indeed talking to a puddle as my brothers suspected when they picked me up that day, but actually reading this silly message.

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