Thursday, April 7, 2011

The E in Bus

So I'm on the bus riding home and this guy gets on and sits across from me. I tend to make eye contact with people very often on the bus so, him being a person on the bus, this was no exception. He keeps eye contact a little longer than most. He doesn't turn away. I turn away. I already know how the next 20 minutes will go. He'll keep looking at me 'til I make eye contact again. I will. I'll smile being polite. He'll take it as me thinking he's cute. He's not a bad looking guy. He catches eye contact again and leans forward and kind of waves. I take out my earphones and he asks me how long it is 'til Slauson. I tell him to get a little map and look because I really don't know. He nods. He's not done. I go back to my music. He asks me where I'm from. They always do. I amuse him and answer his many questions followed by compliments. I say thank you as always. He's 24. His favorite color is green. He works in a cafeteria downtown. He doesn't speak English well. And he's from Guatemala. I don't remember what his name is though. Then of course! he asks me for my number. I apologize. "Sorry." "No? I just want to be your friend and text you sometimes." -_-# "Alright...give me your number then." He gives me his number. His name is Ervin. We arrive at Slauson. I figure he probably won't keep up texting me for very long so I text him. He shakes my hand and gets off the bus. Tells me I'm hermosa for the hundredth time. I thank him. I get to my stop and get off the bus. He texts in spanish. Oh geez. Of course he does. His English isn't so great. I reply to the best of my ability. My spanish isn't so great. He tells me that he would like to have a girlfriend like me. I tell him I'm sorry. He says it's ok and that I'm pretty. I say thanks and make a comment on the fact that it's starting to rain. Nothing else. I'm amused.


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