Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.

I decided myself and a bunch of family members was a better idea. These are my cousins...and yes, there are more of them that aren't in this picture.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Citrus Metamorphosis

What is this? Random things on my desk. Why do they look like this? Who knows? 'Cause I don't. Hehe. I did put them there. Why? 'Cause I felt like it :P Don't be confused. It means nothing.

In other horoscope:
You can see things more clearly today as if your world suddenly became brighter. Although your senses are usually sharp, you have a much wider range of perceptions today. Experiences that may have been beyond your awareness only yesterday are now beckoning you into new territory. Enjoy this journey of growth; metamorphosis is safer than you think.
Iiii like it ^_^ A metamorphosis is EXACTLY what I'm going through right now...and a cold, too, but that's different. Maybe it's getting rid of my old/bad cells and I'll come out of it feeling like an Olympian on a sunny day in Atlantis...I don't know what that means either. Aaaany who, I don't know about my senses being clearer. If anything, my hearing has been fuzzy, my nose is clogged, and my eyes are watery from sneezing. I keep thinking it's Thursday and the date keeps hitting me like a bat every time I realize it's still Tuesday. Also, I don't know where the time has gone to, but it's flying by. I think I almost sneezed my brain out. That could be the problem. At least I haven't lost my sense of humor though...and I'm not talking about my lame jokes :P I'm talking about this:

I love that blog. And I'm going to end there so I can get ready for bed and what not. :P

Get Well Soon,
Nasia o_o

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.

Mi Familia

Saturday, April 23, 2011

EKA Nasia Poster & some randomness

My bff said I was turning my blog into Facebook...maybe I am, but I don't care. :P My blog is about me and my trials and experiences. But now I get to the point...this is a photoshop image I created today. Never have I ever said "I did this in photoshop" in that way. It sounds so...retarded lol. I find it strange when people say LOL. Caps is so weird...anyway...yea...If you read the EKA blog, you have a better idea of what's going on here. If you haven't, go read it :P

Nasia :P

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.

You can't fail with Dr.Suess.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Lion and The Mouse

Do you remember that story of the big ferocious lion that got the thorn stuck in his paw and was all weak and helpless and the little mouse helped him? I think I am that mouse because beside the fact that Mouse is my nickname at home, I often find myself in situations where I'm helping out the "bigger" guy...or just someone you would think would have it down. Today I experienced this when someone I admired for their optimism and confidence and overall grasp at life began talking to me about things that put them at a more vulnerable level. This person that seemed to me to be unbreakable was opening up this well of weakness and uncertainty. I stayed quiet through most of it as I didn't expect it nor did I know how to respond to it, but I think my being there to listen may have helped. And also, I think the level of stability that I have managed to maintain and the ability to continue to grow and be a good person even with having the experience that was the subject of the "confession", allowed this person to see that their decision can turn out to not have the negative effects they were initially worried about. Never had this person come to me like this before and I didn't know how to feel about it at first, but thinking about it now, I've been that person a lot. Like if talking to me somehow answers problems. I hardly ever know what to say, but I think the fact that I turned out pretty okay is just proof that their decisions could go right. And most people just need the possibility of something good happening to let them know things will be okay. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's assuring someone that things can turn out alright as long as they don't make a direct decision to make things go wrong. If you do what you think is the best thing to do and you stick with it for as long as you think it is right, God will be sure to guide you to your goal. "All's well that ends well." If it's not well, it hasn't ended yet. That's how I feel about it at least.

Nasia o_O

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sparkling Real

if it doesn't sparkle, it probably isn't real
that's why they had to make rudolph's nose so shiny
and that's also why gangsters wear so much bling
and that was yet another twilight joke ^_^
oh, and it also explains fairies and why "real" women wear glitter
I had to post this with an explanation. It makes too much sense not to. I'm talking to Astro my Mastro (AJ) on skype about the origins of human races and things of the sort and after carefully describing the origins (way back in the day there were these fruits that were absolutely amazing. but of course, as humans do, we over used them without letting them replenish and soon there was only one of these fruits left, and thus began the human race to the last amazing fruit. and thats how human races originated), Astro commented that the information "is actually pretty compelling information" and "mainstream would have hard time beliving it." So, of course, I had to figure out why and came to the conclusion that things have to sparkle to be real. That's why Twilight vampires sparkle, why rudolph's nose glows, why women wear glitter, why gangsters "bling", and why...brain fart...freak...oh unicorns! Yea. People believe in unicorns that fly over the rainbow because of their glitter. NOT pegasus who actually have wings. Hehe. What a world we live in. Why do you think the 3 wise kings brought Jesus gold dust? 'Cause it's shiny and if they sprinkle him with it, it makes him real. If fairies didn't sparkle, no one would believe they were real, too. Glitter, glow, bling, sparkles, shine. That stuff makes you real nowadays in society's eyes. I'm glad imaginary friends don't sparkle. I don't want to be real in society's eyes.

Think about it,
Nasia :)

Boopy Doop

Lately I've been feeling this strange like, overly happy and excited feeling. I don't know what I'm excited about, but I just feel extensively silly a lot more often. Maybe it's the animating...I haven't had a chance to really sit down and just poor my heart into a good animation, but that's what I'm doing now. Maybe that plus the working out and eating better. Hahaha. My life is changing. And you're witnessing it RIGHT NOW!! Yea, it's too early. XD Well, at least I'm feeling a lot better than when I started this blog :) I'm actually a whole lot better.

Here's to being even MORE better!

Nasia :P

Early Oranges

I woke up this morning at 7:30. I haven't much of an idea why. I think I may have just been hungry. In any case, I ate an orange. Now I'm just kind of sitting here. It's too early to get to doing any type of work. I'll be frustrated too quickly and done with it too early. This is the reason I don't wake up early. Amar is awake, too. He's probably playing a game. That's what he does. Maybe I'll play a game...

Yea, I wrote this blog out of pure boredom...but it isn't frustrating boredom since it's so early and I could actually fall back asleep if I wanted to. I'd rather not. Maybe if I can keep waking up early like this, I can fix my sleeping habits and get to bed at a better time. Ultimately, this will help my health and whatnot with this working out and stuff. I actually have muscles appearing places they never really were this one on my forearm, right by my elbow...the brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis, and/or extensor digitorum. I just googled it. It's in that general area. But they've formed a cool little twist from behind my bicep and wrap around to my inner forearm. I can actually see what they were talking about in CDC (Character Modeling class at Full Sail). It makes me feel good about this working out stuff. Haha. My stomach isn't totally where I want it to be yet, but I feel like if I got rid of anymore from my stomach, when I stand up the skin would just rip from being too tight. >_< Hehehe. I just want to be a tad more toned is all. It's getting there. ^_^ Actual hunger is setting in now. Cereal time!

Hasta la Vista!
Nasia :P

(I feel like switching it up. Don't judge me...or do. I couldn't care less :P)

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So I find myself sitting at my desk, doing an art test at this very moment and I wonder, how did I manage to be right here right now? All of these opportunities I find knocking on my door, how do they get here? All these guys I have wanting to make me happy, where did they come from? I wish I could say all this random money appearing, but sadly that's not the case just yet. Still, I have all of this coming to me and to some it might look like it just comes easy to me. Like I'm just blessed. Blessed with the ability to throw a crap load of spaghetti at the wall. Where do these opportunities come from? They come from all the bait I've been throwing out into the world. All the business cards I hand out and all the people I meet and help and talk to and give the pleasure of a simple conversation. I don't take hold of one opportunity and run with it. I take them all and put just enough of myself into each according to it's most possible success rate. How I figure that out is pure instinct. I can't even begin to explain it outside of saying I know what I feel and that's what I go for, especially since my way isn't always the right way for everyone. It's the right way for me. Hasn't failed me yet. (knock on wood).



:D mom made a protein shake for us and ever since I started working out I've been hooked to them. I think it's the banana.

And now for some more random stuff, I'm animating and all I can think of is ACtion spyDAAAAA!!! I don't know what that is, but that's what I'm thinking...and it's making me laugh every time I think it. Oh well...

Animating does something strange to my brain...I can't quite explain it, but I think this blog does that enough...I hope. Well, Back to work.

Nasia :P

Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.

This one made me giggle because I figured I could put any picture of me up and it would be a picture of when I was little. Hehehe. I think I was 9 in this one.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.

I'm still having trouble with this post, but I think it's this:
It's a creole woman thing. And it actually doesn't bother me, but if anything on me were to bother me, it would be the slight mustachio. It did bother me once, but I couldn't care less now. :P

Angelina Jolie

This woman is awesomely ridiculous. So ridiculous that she's the only celebrity crush I've ever really had. Yea, she's a woman, so what. She's beautiful and talented and successful and has a bunch of kids in her awesome little family. She plays one of the most bamf* women in the world (Lara Croft). She's just too awesome for life. I'm not obsessed with her to the level of some people that I know are with other celebrities, but I can admit I might find myself on the verge of screaming if I could hang out with her one day. She's just too cool. I hope one day some kid blogs this about me. Hahaha. Maybe not. I don't know. But I do love me some Angelina. Who doesn't? I bet even her haters would love to hang out with her. One of my new goals in life is to be awesomer than Angelina Jolie. Is it possible? Well, if it isn't, I'm going to make it possible.

*Yes, I linked that to urbandictionary for people that want to know what it means if they don't already. I may continue to do that from now on...

Nasia :P

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Though I'm not in high school, or any sort of singing group, or musical, or sports team, or anything of the sort, Glee hits an area of my interest that I can't effectively describe properly. I just watched the first episode again just now and it brought up feelings from the past that caused me slight anxiety, but it also gave me a good feeling. The feeling I had when I first watched Glee, the feeling I had when I watched it again with Amber, and then watching it now, were three different feelings, yet still the same. The first time, I was in love and I was sharing this new experience with that person. The second time, I was extending this experience to one of my best friends. And now, I shared it with one of my closest cousins.

Glee hasn't done anything to drastically change my life. It hasn't brought about any epiphanies or anything of the sort. I don't really know what it is about Glee that I'm attached to. Maybe the simplicity of the issues they deal with, the love the characters share within their group, or what. Maybe I wish I was mixed in with their drama. I think I'd enjoy being in high school again. Life is so simple in high school. There's so many people to meet and talk to and laugh at. Food is free, too.

Anyway, I just wish I could watch Glee with that same feeling I had the first time I watched it. It's weird how I feel about that sort of things right now though. The person from my last blog, I do like being around them. And they're cool, but I just can't get attached. I actually get more attached to some other people I meet. Sadly, those people don't get the same attachment. Sadly for them that is. Not me. I'm not missing out on anything beside another possible option. They're missing out on me. And that's a lot to miss out on. Ah well. I actually think I'm gonna cool down on that other option. I can't reciprocate the feeling. I don't want him to be where I was 3 months ago. It's wrong. And it's the reason I try so much more to break myself of my previous addiction. I admit, I do find myself drawing back to wanting what I had again, but then I remember what happened and why and how I was then. I didn't deserve it. And neither does a nice, new, sweet guy. Even if I want to be, I can't control the fact that I'm not attracted to someone. Yea, people can grow onto you. You can get accustomed to them, but it isn't the same as actually being attracted to them. And I don't want to short myself again. I don't want to have "everything, but."

I know I've deviated from Glee, but it brings me back to it now. There was a point in Glee where Quinn tells Rachel that she was meant for bigger things and that's why no one accepts her where she is. Though her intentions were slightly selfish, I think it's true. And I think if Rachel settles with the "small town" life that she currently is in, or is headed toward after high school, she'll miss out on a greater future. She'll be shorting herself for the simple fact that it's easier to accept her current situation and live with the missing pieces than to search for the whole picture. I want the whole picture. Rachel wants the whole picture, too. We were born to have it. Every time I see a potential happy ending come my way, I think of how easy it would be to settle into this new possibility and let life take that path, but in the end I'd wish I'd have kept going; kept waiting for that something more that I know I can achieve.

It kind of reminds me of this joke:
So the joke goes that there’s a guy stranded on the roof of his house. Flood waters are rising and he’s praying to God for help. A couple of kids come by in a canoe and say, “Hey Mister! Jump in!” Preoccupied with prayer, he ignores them and they paddle away. Soon the water level is higher and the local sheriff comes by in a dinghy, “Get in, pal! It’s gonna get worse!” The man says, “Please, officer, not now, I must focus on the Lord!” Before long the waterline breaks over the roof of the house and a helicopter comes by, dangling a rope ladder. “Climb up!,” the pilot shouts above the roar of his engine. With the water raging and chopper wind blowing fiercely around him, the man screams, “Leave me! The Lord will save me!” Finally, the flood overcomes the man. As he’s being swept to his doom he looks to sky and asks, “Oh Lord, why have you left me to die?!” “Left you to die?!,” booms the Almighty, “I sent you a canoe, a dinghy and a helicopter, you idiot!”
 Sometimes I think maybe these potentials are my boats and dinghies and helicopters, but when I look at the future of each, I don't see me fitting in well. It's like if the boat came and had a small leak in it. You know that boat is going to sink before it gets to the dry land. Or if a helicopter came with low fuel. You know it's gonna land in the middle of the ocean before you get to dry land and you'll be stranded yet again. I can't really say I know that that's what would happen, but that's what instinct tells me and some things can be pretty obvious...

...Iiiidunno. Wish I did, but I guess that would make me even more impatient to just get to that point. I'm not in any rush. At least, I try not to be.

I guess in the end, when I get where I'm supposed to be, I'll love and appreciate it this much more. I suppose that's what I share with Glee. Each week they have the same battle pretty much. Just in a different form. Their goal? Nationals. My goal? Well, it depends on how general you like it, but ultimately, it's happiness. Pixar, love, friends, etc.

Nasia o_O

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

The Metro XD

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.

These two goofy goobers...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Horoscope - April 16, 2011

"Your intelligence is apparent today when you build on what you've already started, rather than beginning something new. However, you could face your own internal resistance before taking your work to the next level. Although your fear of failure might make you think that your efforts will go unnoticed, this isn't the right time to overanalyze what you are doing. Just stay on the course that you recently chose. You may be progressing faster than you now realize."

This applies to the last 3 hours of Friday, and the first 30 minutes of far. The only thing is that I don't think it's talking about work. To put things simply, I went out tonight. I had an awesome time as always. I had 50 billion opportunities to throw everything out there and jump off the cliff that I keep saying I'm trying to jump off of, but that "internal resistance" kept stopping me from taking anything to the next level. Well, I might not have jumped off the cliff, but I took a step closer to the edge. I might even be hanging one foot over the edge. I definitely think WAY too much about things, but for me, certain decisions require extensive thought. I hope I'm making the right decision...and I'm going to stick with it. If I truly am progressing faster than I realize, things might be a whole lot easier than I thought they were. And that is a huge relief. Here's to things going exceptionally well in the now, near future, and forever after. TOAST! ^_^ No, I'm not in love. I don't really even have much of a crush. But I feel something. And it's good. Scary, but good.

Nasia :P

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.


Mi padre y madre. I couldn't imagine anything without them. I wouldn't even be born! XD

Random Quote

"Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end."

I read this somewhere, don't remember where, but I remembered it. It makes a lot of sense...just wanted to share it.


Work It Out

I don't know if it's the adrenaline, or the physical and mental focus, or just spending that much positive time  with family that has me feeling so great after these work outs, but I feel awesome; especially with all the compliments I get from random people just on my way home...I feel like I'd be glowing. I think that's what I'm trying to say. Hehe. I just feel good, like, no heart break or dumb guy or slow economy or bad driver or upset burger flipper or anyone could make me feel any lower. I'm too high. Not literally high. I don't do that. You should know that :P But I just...I don't know. I feel Batgirl. Haha. I just need a sweat sweat motorcycle. Lara Croft ain't got nothing on me...except maybe longer hair, but I can't control that. What I CAN control is how I feel about life right now. It's not at the best it can be, but I'm making the best of it and doing my best to keep it moving on up.

Back to the original blog purpose...some people ask me why I'm working out. "You look good already." "You don't need to work out, you're already thin." I'm not trying to get thinner and working out isn't just to get thinner. I'm trying to put muscle where I need it and get more flexible and fit and healthy so in 10 years I'm not hobbling around complaining about my knees or my back or my feet. I'm working out the kinks before they get here. That's how I've always done things. Be prepared. And if you can't be prepared, be adaptable.

So what, you brought a sword to a gun fight. Yea, the sword was preparation for possible combat, but not in this scenario...until you use that sword to reflect the bullets back at the shooters. That's adapting. I spent all of grade school preparing. Got to college and had to do a bit of adapting, but I was mostly prepared for it. Got out of college and had to adapt again. Nothing can prepare you for everything. And when you get to that something you aren't prepared for, you've gotta stay focused and adapt to the new situation. Don't get angry. Don't get too scared. Just be cool, calm, and collected in your mind, and your body will follow. That's another thing working out is teaching me. Mind over matter. I've got the basics. Now I'm expanding my grasp.

And now I'm going to bed :P I really hope somebody is getting something out of reading my nonsense :) I think I've said this already. Probably. Oh well. Enjoy your day. You deserve to. Why? Hahaha. Why not?


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Lion and The Baby

Go to that link up there ^^^^

I think the lion is a whole lot more adorable...and fluffy! ^_^

Fluffy paws...

Fluffy face...

I would cuddle it. XD

Awesome Dream O_O

I had this dream...take the overall theme, look, and bamf-ness of Sucker Punch, Kids Next Door, and Zombieland, and then read this...that's what this dream looked like...

I'm laying in my bed when Renya comes bursting in my room. "We're gonna be late! Mouse, wake up." I get up and get ready. Its pooring outside. None of us can find our acid rain gear. Before we can leave, our teachers are already at the door. No one misses school. There were three of them; A short asian woman of about 40 or 50 years old in an off-white skirt suit, a spanish woman of about 40 also in a dark brown skirt suit, and a tall white man in a navy blue pants suit. With them was a group of police guards. I'm still in the house. Reyna comes back in. "C'mon they're waiting for you." I go the the asian lady thats talking to Karissa. She beats me in the hand with a ball point pen. I look at her crazy. She tries to hit me with it again after telling me about being late to school. I move my hand away "I get it lady, but it was acid rain. Not our fault."

I go to the weird tall white guy in the blue suit standing next to the lady in the brown suit. He tries to hit me with his pen now. I swing my binder out and stop his hand. "What?" "Look dude, I didn't even let her hit me twice. You're not hitting me once." He laughs a deep laugh with his head thrown back. He swings again, this time trying to hit my with his hand. Nope. Binder in the way. He keeps swinging like it's Whack-A-Mole. I keep blocking. He throws the pen toward my knees. It stabs into my binder and falls out. I pick it up and hesitantly hand it to the asian lady. I wanted to throw it back at him. "I...uh...didnt want to step on it..." She nods. He starts throwing spoons. Don't ask me where he got them from. I dodge them and pick them up at the same time. Then he starts throwing forks. Next thing i know h'es running at me with butter knives. I do a fancier than necessary flip over him and take all my gathered utensils and fire them all at once straight at him. He's pinned to my front porch. 

The spanish lady has seen enough and dismisses everyone. Besides, by this time school was almost out. My girls have all left for the day to party or something. The teachers left, too. It's just me, standing on my porch watching the blue suited man remove the utensils. Just after he leaves, I hear an explosion. I run into my house and gather my supplies. Doesn't matter what the explosion was for, I need to be ready for it. Flashlights, lighters, blankets, food, water, everything. I didn't even see where the explosion came from. I find my Jon all ready to go, too. He gets in his pod and leaves. Just as I'm running to get in mine, Mr. Spoon-Flinger takes his final revenge and kills my engine with his utensils and then runs off. I take my rubber boots and penguin hood and goggles and walk out the door. No sense trying to catch up to Jon. He'll be safe. The afterblast of the explosion flies past me. Might as well figure out what it came from. The girls are probably fine. They have their pods. They're smart.

I make my way toward the city and everyone is scrambling in every direction. I manage to run into Christy and Jim. Jim tells me I need to find a pacifier and shades with glowing rims. He doesn't know why. "Some old dude told me to make sure I have them in my arsenal." I keep that in mind.

Somehow I got split up from them in the chaos. I found myself in a large courtyard. There's a bunch of large armoured gremlin-like dudes carrying large poles with hooks attached over their shoulders. On the pointed end of the hooks are people. They're hanging by their skin. Still alive. Hey, I know one of them. I follow them.

I recognize a few of them from grocery stores and other places around the city and the one I know is Amber's mom. I follow them until they enter this large building. The armored guys exit without noticing me. I go in. The people are laying on huge metal shelves, still hanging slightly on the hooks. I help Amber's mom off. She's delirious from the blood loss. I take her into a back room and bandage her up. She needs sugar. I don't have any. I try to find a back exit to this vaguely familiar building as Amber's mom takes out a lighter and starts playing with it. "We cant waste it Ms. Cotter." I shove it into my pocket. We hear someone coming and I slip us both out a random window. With her leaning against me, we hobble around the building. There's a whole bunch of those armoured dudes playing basketball and hanging out like it's high school. We're in a high school. My old high school. I figure the safest place is that courtyard I first stumbled in when I lost Christy and Jim. "Lean on me as much as you need to Ms.Cotter, but we gotta move real fast." I go as fast and carefully as i can across the basketball court and into the courtyard.

A wild headed girl of about 16 years comes running up to me as I enter the courtyard. "You might wanna take some cover!" she giggles as she shows me what looks like clothes tag mixed with a tiny firecracker. I know what it is. She hands it to her friend "I know you wanna do it!" She lights it and her friend throws it into the center of the courtyard. I run as fast as I can with Ms.Cotter on my back and see a vending machine on my way into a small bathroom. Before I can even sit Ms.Cotter down, I feel the whole bathroom move. We're in a catapult. It's too late to try to leave. The whole bathroom flies through the air with us in it. An actual bathroom. Not a port-o-potty or a single stall. We land strangely unharmed, but dusty, right behind a dirty old chase lounge chair. I see the explosive from the wild headed girl just about to explode 5 feet in front of the chair. We take cover behind the chair. It explodes. We're even more dusty now, but unharmed.

The "leader" of this little courtyard come over. He's a round-bellied, but muscular guy with spiky hair and a dirty yellow headband. "You guys ok?" He sticks out his hand and I take it, holding onto Ms.Cotter. "Yea. You ok Ms.Donna? She needs some sugar." I don't know why I called her by her first name this time. The guy kicks a mostly eaten and/or destroyed Snickers bar over to me. "Here eat this." It's not enough, but she can open her eyes now. I remember the vending machine. "Stay here." I run to it. I have 4 quarters in my back pocket that Jon gave me to buy him some soda. "I owe ya one Jon." I get her a Payday. The packaging is red. I don't know why. It doesn't really matter. I bring it to her. Slowly, she's revived. "Thank you chocolate!" I say as  I look up to the sky. The leader guy looks around, stands on a broken up concrete bench and announces "Alright people, if we're gonna live we need to figure out who's the leader here and all that sort of thing!" "No...," I whisper. "Hey wait! Listen. We cant go back to that. That took us here where we are now. We need to gather aroun-" "See why i cleared the courtyard?" wild head girl interrupts and smiles. "Good job" I tell her, smiling back. She danced off in accomplishment. Everyone gathered in the courtyard. "We need to work on equal levels. No one is better than anyone else and everyone will do what needs to be done simply because it needs to be done. If someone asks why, tell them why, honestly. No one likes to do anything for no reason. Even I'm going to be helping. I'm not better than any of you. If you judge a fish on how well it could walk, it would think it was retarded, too. We all have different strengths and we're gonna help each other out." They all cheer. The pot belly guy smiles and pats my back. "Alright liddo lady, looks like we got ourselves a spokesperson." They cheer again. "I'm not going to lead this survival attempt, but I will do what I can to ensure what I can."

Soon we see a large group of armoured guys walking towards us. It's a bunch of people, not gremlins. They're holding black flags with a gold trim. "We are the nomads of Go-rion Section 252 of World of Warcraft." Oh geez, I say to myself. "We are conquering this land as our home field. You have 6 hours to remove yourselves or we-" "um no look", I interrupt. "There is no conquering of anything except to get this city back in order and figuring out whats going on." He looks at me terrified. He's shaking. I poke his chest and he falls over. "Alright guys, nomads of Go-rion, you're now a part of this city, too, if you would like. You can either help us figure out whats going on, or stay out of the way as much as you can. If you need help, we'll help you. If you need food, we'll feed you, but only take what you need and no more. This is an honest society now. Want to lie? Go hang with our new friends the armored goblin guys." The goblin/gremlin guys soon became known as Aggs (Armored Goblin Guys).

Everything was settled. The people are helping each other. There's no arguing. No fighting. On one of my runs around the courtyard, I find Tak, who has also found Christy and Jim. Tak has a pacifier hanging around his neck. We walk into a rave. Pacifier...oh! "Tak! Why do I need a pacifier?" He hands me one. It's pink. I make a flat line face -_- I see a bunch hanging on a wall. I take a red one and hand Christy and Jim some. They light up. They're just light up pacifiers. Nothing special. Next thing I know Aggs are crashing the party. They're looking for...ME?! In the chaos of the party crash, we manage to find glow sticks and futuristic looking shades with rims that glow. Of course, mine are red. Jim and Christy take green and yellow. Tak's are blue. We manage to escape the rave crash easily. Aggs cant decifer differences from things that look extremely similar. They only know large differences like height, weight, and certain facial characteristics that are noticeably different to a certain extreme. That's why they all have exaggerated facial features; Super long noses, tiny ears, big eyes, and a tiny mouth, or some other combination of mixed up sizes. They definitely look strange and they're, of course, green. Some a little bluer, yellower, darker, dirtier, etc etc, but all in all, green. I take Jim, Christy, and Tak to Ms.Donna who can now kind of explain what happened to her. Another explosion goes off in the same place I heard it from before. I wake up...THE END

Day 12 - A picture of something you love.



...don't feel unloved if you're not on here 'cause I don't have a picture of you and I'm not going on Facebook to find one, but you know I love you. :P

Monday, April 11, 2011


Seeing as my Spiderman legacy is being passed down to my younger bro, I figured I'd take on the new persona of Batgirl. I mean I DO have the Batcave, and the cape, and the buckle. It's only proper that I should honor the Bat name by taking over the Batman legacy. So, along with the other things, I set up a new geektool "widget"'s a picture:
(made slight color changes)


As much as I wish I did, I didn't. I did the rest though...including the script on the bottom right...yea the little squares...they correspond to which Space I'm currently in. Also, the itunes track shows my Pandora track info, too. Whichever is currently playing is the one that's shown at the time. If both are playing, it makes sure you know. ^_^ Also, my mail from yahoo and gmail messages appear under the widget. It's all just pretty awesome.

Batgirl :P

Wisdom Teeth

What are the FOR?! I'd like to know...why hasn't evolution removed them entirely? They're so...painful >_< ...oatmeal. That's what I've been eating all day. And it's not even that I got my wisdom teeth removed. One of them is just killing me. I got some tooth ache gel too and it was nice at first, but now it wears off in five minutes. Blah...I even dreamed all my teeth fell out last night...

Nasia x_x

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.



So, according to one of my uncles, when one is looking for results, it is best to throw spaghetti at the wall...because if you throw enough, something's gotta stick right? Well, that's what one would hope. I'm throwing spaghetti at this wall, and every time I think it's sticking, it slowly rolls off the wall. Am I doing this right? Is there like, special spaghetti you're supposed to use or something?

Nasia o__O

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Except For The Ones That I Want

Why do we want what we seem so obviously unable to obtain? Before I even know that I can't have someone, I feel attracted to them. And then I find out they don't want me too and it's like...why? And why do people that you're not attracted to want you instead? What makes that happen? Why can't two people just want each other? Hrm...I guess that's what soul mates are eh? Like...let's say I meet someone and they're cool and everything, but not necessarily someone I want to date. Somehow they are automatically attracted to me. And then let's say I meet someone I'm just like wow, this guy is what I'm looking for, but then they're just like "do dodo doo la di da." And though I've found myself in this position quite often in the few years that I've actually cared to have a relationship, I still don't get it. I find myself in this awkward riddle every time. "I can have any guy I want...except for the ones that I want." WHY?!?! That's so...cruel... O_O bah -___- I hope the next someone special wants me just as much as I want them or even more and I hope that I want them a whole hell of a lot, too...Some GENUINE BALANCE of great love and energy and just...happiness would be nice.

Nasia 9_9

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most crazy things with.

My brudders ^_^

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Penguin Head

I am a penguin head. The story behind this awesome hat isn't nearly as cool as the hat itself, but I guess everything can't be that awesome. Any who, I was hanging out in Hollywood, on Hollywood Blvd and there's this little store where people shout "$10!!!! EVERYTHING IN THE STORE JUST $10!!!!" I was trying to get in touch with a friend who didn't have a cell phone at the time and my best bet was interweb connections, so I found myself in Starbucks right next to this $10 Boutique. Sadly, I couldn't connect to the internet there, but I figured I'd wander around this store and see what it has. Of course, it was all souvenirs and hats and jewelry and things of that sort. While I was in there, this girl kept shouting "$6.99 YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES!!!" And of course the time went down as time does. "BUT ONLY IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE BLUE BASKETS!!!" Next thing I know I have a blue basket with a black LA hat in it. I put it on like 100 times hoping one of those times I would like it.  By the end of the $6.99 sale I still hadn't made up my mind, but woahoahoa! now everything is $5.99. I'm like cool. So I keep wandering. I've got 20 more minutes to take advantage of this $5.99 thing. I leave the store with nothing. Couldn't make up my mind. I find myself at another starbucks where I manage to get internet and in touch with my friend. Did I mention I also got paid? So I kinda felt like I deserved a little something for myself. Now I'm back on Hollywood Blvd and it's freezing. My hood is doing nothing. I see $10-shouting-guys again. They have cheetahs on their heads. I see a little girl. She has a koala on her head. I walk into the $10 Boutique, turn left, see the animal hats, put on a wolf. Naw, that's not me. I put on a cheetah. Nope, not that one either. There's ONE penguin. I put it on. I check myself a few times. Red plaid boots, black and white plaid scarf, black skinny jeans, grey peacoat, penguin hat. Yes! I'm just in time for another $6.99 only deal. Because it's ONLY right now that I can get that deal. Haha. Yea, right. I put on my hat. My ears are warm. I walk to the train station. From that point until I get home, at least 10 people asked me for my number or told me I was cute or really looked like they wanted to or something along those lines. I mean, that's not different from any other day except that this day I have a penguin on my head. And guys of all sorts still want to talk to me. Confused? A bit. Amused? Highly. Self-esteem boost? +500 ^_^ And that's not even the end of it! On one of the trains is this woman singing folks songs and talking to herself. At one of the stops these two dudes get on talking about getting high or something and I'm standing next to this guy with a guitar and wildly curly crazy cool hair. The two dudes start talking about how one of them should hit a beat so the other can rap to the lady's folk songs. And then she starts singing thriller, but still in the folk song sort of tune. Everyone in the train is cracking up at with the guys and I actually recorded it. The guitar guy was sort of talking to me the whole ride and we exchanged business cards. You never know when a musician might want a music video with some awesome effects or something in it. Who knows? I took advantage of the opportunity. So the folk song lady starts talking about how she volunteers at the hospital where her husband stays and the two rapping guys are all into the conversation. They get off the train. I get off the train and go to get on the next train. Upon getting off that train I see a guy on a horse walking down the street. I took a picture. I'll post it at the end of all of this. Anyway, after the horse, this guy walks up to me. "Hey, can I ask you something?" "Sure." "How old are you?" Ok, the last guy I told I was 20 and he asked me for my number while I tried very hard to walk faster than him. I managed to shake him. "16" I say. He looks disappointed. " you have a boyfriend?" He still persists. "Naw I just broke up with him." Not a total lie, but it's been like 3 months now. "Oh, are you talking to anybody?" "Nope. Not trying to really." "Oh, ok. I can respect that. You're really pretty." "Thanks." "Goodnight" "Goodnight." He walks back to where he was sitting. My little bro pulls up with my mom in the passenger seat. I open the door. "All the seat belts work back here right?"


The horse is on the left...
 This one...well, I had seen this written on the bench thing that you can see in the horse picture when I was on that side of the street one time. I'd seen it again waiting at the bus stop this particular morning. I took the picture to prove that I was NOT indeed talking to a puddle as my brothers suspected when they picked me up that day, but actually reading this silly message.

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

Mom ^_^

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The E in Bus

So I'm on the bus riding home and this guy gets on and sits across from me. I tend to make eye contact with people very often on the bus so, him being a person on the bus, this was no exception. He keeps eye contact a little longer than most. He doesn't turn away. I turn away. I already know how the next 20 minutes will go. He'll keep looking at me 'til I make eye contact again. I will. I'll smile being polite. He'll take it as me thinking he's cute. He's not a bad looking guy. He catches eye contact again and leans forward and kind of waves. I take out my earphones and he asks me how long it is 'til Slauson. I tell him to get a little map and look because I really don't know. He nods. He's not done. I go back to my music. He asks me where I'm from. They always do. I amuse him and answer his many questions followed by compliments. I say thank you as always. He's 24. His favorite color is green. He works in a cafeteria downtown. He doesn't speak English well. And he's from Guatemala. I don't remember what his name is though. Then of course! he asks me for my number. I apologize. "Sorry." "No? I just want to be your friend and text you sometimes." -_-# "Alright...give me your number then." He gives me his number. His name is Ervin. We arrive at Slauson. I figure he probably won't keep up texting me for very long so I text him. He shakes my hand and gets off the bus. Tells me I'm hermosa for the hundredth time. I thank him. I get to my stop and get off the bus. He texts in spanish. Oh geez. Of course he does. His English isn't so great. I reply to the best of my ability. My spanish isn't so great. He tells me that he would like to have a girlfriend like me. I tell him I'm sorry. He says it's ok and that I'm pretty. I say thanks and make a comment on the fact that it's starting to rain. Nothing else. I'm amused.


Random Rant Again

"i wish i could record the things i say sometimes. i think i'd blow my own mind"
So, yea I just said this and now I'm quoting myself again, right after I just finished ranting on something else. Who cares?! It's my blog :P But for serious, if someone talked to me the way I talk to people, I'd think they were a total weirdo...or I'd be like OMG you understand me! No one understands me. And I don't mean that in the emo-OMG-I-want-to-die-because-no-one-understands-me kind of way. I just mean that too often when I talk people are like wah? That's the joy of being Plutonian I guess. And I suppose a lot of the things I say are recorded right here in this blog. But if you heard me explain something in Nuke right after I just finished explaining how I'm from Pluto or what I do to fall asleep at night, you'd be like, are you the same person? My mind travels through a different set of freeways than most people. They're so busy going in a straight line. Break the 4th dimension and travel through time, space, color, light, EVERYTHING! If in your mind you have no limitations, in the real world, you have even less, because your first REAL limitation is yourself. :P


Fall and Rise

"Never will I allow someone to crush me so hard that I cannot get back up. Even if I did allow them to, never would they be able to for I was built too strong, too tough, and too stubborn." -Me :P
They say to love someone is to give them the ability to destroy you, but trust that they will never do it. I believe this is true. I also believe that though I might give someone the ability to do such a thing, no one but the people that created me can destroy me. Twice I have risen from this "destruction."


Life is like the Jesus want to get to the top and you climb and climb and climb, but you always feel like you're still on that first step. A lot of people give up and take the trail back down before they even get halfway there and some people are so close to the top, but they "just can't make it"and take the trail back down. Sometimes just that extra mental effort, that internal push to keep going, will give you all that extra physical strength you need to make it to the top. To simply believe that you have worked hard enough and deserve a break will not get you what you want. No matter how much you think you've done already, you won't actually have done enough until you have what you want in your hands. God won't give you a house because you make enough money to buy one. You have to go find that house, find the owner, pay him, etc. That's all a part of earning the reward. You can't just plant the seed and think that's enough. Plant it, water it, climb the tree, and pick your orange. But wait! You still can't eat it until you peel it. Those other steps are all a part of the journey. Though small and seemingly insignificant, they mean a lot in the end. And many times you might feel you've reached the point where there's nothing else left for you to do and you wonder where your reward is. I think that's the point where God is merely trying to teach you that you can't expect your reward to just appear after you've taken the steps to get there. You now need to learn some patience. Like baking a cake. You've got all the ingredients. You've mixed them. You even milked the cow yourself and raised the chickens for their eggs. Now, where's your cake? You have to put it all in the oven and WAIT! You can't rush the cake. Only a cake baked at 450ยบ for exactly 15 minutes* will be perfectly moist with no traces of burns. It's the way things have to be. I don't make the rules. Hell, I could be wrong about the rules, but so far, these seem to work for me. Sometimes I make mistakes and take the cake out too soon or not soon enough and end up with mush or something close to an edible brick. All you can do is try again. If you learn from your mistakes and keep at it, you'll be a professional baker one day. Who knows? God knows. :P

And I'm not trying to be crazy religious with this stuff. I believe that all religions are probably true to some degree. I don't read the bible or the koran or do chants or daily prayers or go to church all the time or anything of the sort. If you don't believe in God, maybe you believe in Buddha, or Zeus, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or whoever. Maybe you don't believe in any omnipotent being. That doesn't matter so much as your belief that you have the ability to be and do anything. You could even fly if your belief in gravity wasn't so strong.

Nasia :P

*(Temperature and time are not accurate. They're just to help prove my point.)

A Folder

On my laptop exists 2 folders. Both folders contain very similar items. Images. Pictures I have found from all over the internet that make me feel good about love. I'll randomly run across a cute little message and save it to that folder. It's a sort of scrapbook. Looking at it now, it's overflowing with different ways to say how much you care, and I have used them before to express feelings that I myself couldn't put words to. I just ran through some of them again and I feel like one day I will open one of these folders again and find some of these pictures and send them to someone special and they will reply "I was thinking that same thing." And I'll smile. And I'll mean it. And they'll mean it. Can't it just be that simple? I tell someone "I think you are magic" and they reply "Well of course. How else would I get someone like you to appear?" And they'll smile. And I'll smile. And things will just be as they are. I will love them and they will love me and things will just be happy. There will be rough times and we'll get through them, always knowing that no matter what, we've got each other and we're happy. They'll turn over in the middle of the night and out of nowhere just say thank you. And I'll ask for what and they'll just smile and snuggle close and go back to sleep. I'll find this one day. Or'll find me. You reap what you sow and I sow a lot of love. I suppose this plant just takes a while to ripen...


Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.

Most treasured? Item? I'm gonna stick to physical possessions with this one and say:
My Lappy Toppy

It's one of the first pictures I ever took of it ^_^