Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day

Since I can't shower all of my love onto one very special person for Valentine's Day this year, and since I don't know of any one person that would like to do the same for me, I have decided to do that for two people. I'm taking my mom and grandma to Red Lobster for dinner. We shall be the greatest Tri-Valentines ever! Be jealous. :P I believe my mom and grandma deserve a lot more than they get and I try to show it as often as I can, not just on holidays and special events. Also, Valentine's Day is always such a drag when you're single, but I'm not gonna let it get me down. I spent 19 Valentine's Days without a "real" valentine. I don't need a stinky guy to have a great Valentine's Day. (And I suppose guys don't need stinky girls to have a great Valentine's Day either.)

To end this thing, I say, enjoy your Monday. Life is still good.

Peace ^_^

Update: We went to brunch today instead. And it turns out I actually have a Valentine this year. :)

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