Sunday, February 20, 2011


It amazes me how things work...guys that don't even know me try so hard to keep me smiling all the time. Like, I literally say thank you at least 10 times a day to a compliment from a guy. There are so many guys that would love to be my boyfriend just after talking to me for 5 minutes. I can't tell you how many times they've said "Omg! You're soooo cooooolll!" Those exact words. They're left speechless by me just being myself. Everything I have to say about myself just amazes them. And of course, they wonder "What's the catch?," but I really don't know if there is one or what it would be. I don't have a crazily over-protective family to have to impress. I don't have extra limbs and I'm not bi-polar. I'm pretty emotional when I'm sad or upset, but those are rare occasions for me, and what woman ISN'T emotional? There's no catch to being with me. The only problem I'm seeing is that once a guy is like really super into me, I kind of lose interest and then they back off. If you manage to get to the point where I actually say that I like you, even if I start to lose interest, DON'T BACK OFF. XD Like, when I want something, I get it. Show me that you can do the same. Impress me. Everyone keeps telling me I can have any guy I want. Take that into consideration and make yourself the guy I want. Confidence can take you a long way. And there's a difference between being confident and cocky. You don't have to change who you are. If anything BE YOURSELF. Compliment me in the middle of a conversation. Smile at me and tell me you think my laugh is cute. Flirt with me. Let me know that you don't want to just make me smile, but that you want to be there for me if I ever need you for anything. I can take care of myself, but I love knowing I have someone to talk to that will try to understand if I ever need them. And if you don't understand, tell me you don't but that you're willing to listen anyway. It kind of sounds like a lot, but I can promise you that whoever manages to find themselves in the position of my boyfriend will have all of the above and more from me. That's like, my standard. Once you have me, the sky is the limit. I'm not materialistic at all and I can't really buy things for anyone else right now, but when I can, I try to do special things to make you smile. I don't expect to be given gifts or treated to dinner or to movies or any of that stuff. I'd much rather stay home and cuddle on a couch than spend $20 on a movie (unless it's Pixar or Disney. They pretty much own my soul XD). Anyway, I hope one of these days someone can find himself wanting to be all that I want to be for him. I could really use a good night cuddling to a movie. Haha. Once you learn that feeling, it's an addiction you can't escape. I'll never be too broken to love someone and give them my all. I breathe love. Well, I think that's enough about that now...

Nasia <3

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