Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gnomes and a Party

Yesterday I went to see Gnomeo and Juliet with Leydi, my brother, Elly, and her mom. That movie was adorable and actually inspired certain things back into me. One of those things being that feeling you get when you really like somebody. I feel like as long as there are animated movies that keep that feeling alive, I will never lose the ability to love with my whole heart. Some people, somehow, lose that ability and it's really sad. Disney has instilled it into my DNA. That stuff is hardwired into my nerves. Love? What? Yea I know what it is. I LIVE it. That's another thing. The movie re-sparked my animation juices and I've got a rig from a friend that wants me to do a walk cycle and I'm ready! After some minor changes, but other than that, I'm ready! Oh, and my studio wants me to take a shot at modeling and rigging a set of wings. I'm doing my best, but I'm pretty sure there's got to be a better way to do this. It'll come to me. The mental juices are flowing and I had an awesome mini party last night so My "Fun Bar" is peaked. Like, if you try doing work with a low fun bar, you're not gonna get anything done very well, but if your fun bar is peaked, you can work and work and work and your work bar will begin to feel less like a work bar. And if you're having fun doing your work, well then both bars will go flying off the charts. Work will get done at alarming rates and you'll be enjoying it. Alright. Alright. Too many things going on in this blog right now. Stuff is flying places. There's juices everywhere. And with the sparks happening I think something might catch fire. So I'm gonna leave it here for now. Mehbe I continue later. We see. We see.

May the love be with you,
Nasia ^_^

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