Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Relaxation and Stress and Money

How does one go about dealing with relaxation and stress when they are causing each other? You know in Austin Powers when Fatbastard explains that he eats because he's sad and he's sad because he eats. It's like that for me right now. Not that I'm eating too much or sad, but I'm stressed with certain things including work and it's mostly because I have to keep waiting for things and being patient. So, I try to keep getting a head start on things, but it tends to not always go the way I expect and just causes more stress, so I take a break and relax, but then I'm stressing because I should be working, but when I work I stress cause work isn't working. Do you understand where I'm going with this? Haha. There's some step between working and relaxing that I'm missing out on here. To figure this all out, I'm going to try going to bed early tonight and waking up early tomorrow morning. I'm going to make a To Do list of exactly what needs to get done and from 11am until 3pm, I'm going to work on all the things in that list. Then I'll have lunch and at 4pm I'm going to get back to work for another few hours to finish up the To Do list. That's how it was in ANP and that's how it's gonna be here for me.

And as for money, I thought about making another entry for that because I could seriously write a whole book on what I think about money. I hate it. It causes me the most stress. Even more than heart troubles. The only Disney movie that can heal my money troubles is the one I'll be getting paid to work on. I hate these greedy can't even explain the fire that burns in me with how much I hate money and greed. I do NOTHING with money as my priority. It has no motivation factors over me. Sure, I'd do stupid things for it like everyone else. I need it to pay the greedy people and if I can get it easily, why not? The point is that I actually "need" it or else my life will just be hell trying to run away from bill collectors. I hate that the people with all the money, all the rich ceo's and what not, are all sitting on their fat butts not lifting a finger. Actually, they do lift a press the button to call their secretary in to fluff their fat pillows. I read about a ceo in Japan that actually makes less money than the engineers that work on his planes and he east in the cafeteria with his employees and even cut his vacation time and dug into his own savings account to help pay for things in his company. That's how things should be. Yea, you "run" the company, but you're not that important. The man that makes the burger should be paid more than the man that owns the building where the burger was made. The man that makes the burger can go anywhere he wants and make a burger, but a building built for making burgers is crap without burger making men. The burger men are more important than the building owner. Our world is all sorts of backwards and it's all because of money. Relationships of all kinds are corrupted by it. Perfectly happy families are destroyed by it. Friends become enemies over it.

I'm sure there are millionaires who actually worked hard to get the money they have, but what are they doing with it? We don't need homes with 20 rooms and only 3 people living there. We don't need a TV in every room. We don't need fancy couches and tricked out cars. If everyone just got a little above what they actually need, the world would work. But of course, that will never happen because the world is greedy. People just take take take and expect there to keep being things to give them, but one day it'll all run out and...well I'm sure you've seen Wall-E. And if you haven't, go see it now.

I think I'm done. I'm getting too upset and I can't really rip up all my money, as pleasing as that would be. I like to think I don't own it because I don't. It belongs to Sallie Mae right now. I'm done with loans. If I want a new car, I'm going to buy it with my own money. No car note, just all the money right there. Fully paid from day one. And the same for a house. I'll rent an apartment until I have the money to just go "BAM! I want this house. Here's all the money."


I'm done for real now.

Nasia :P

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