Sunday, February 20, 2011


I think I may have just figured myself out. I tend to lose interest in the guys that talk to me like every day and are just totally engrossed in talking to me all the time, though I love the attention, I get bored of the same thing everyday. It's the people that show an interest but then pull away and let me chase a bit, that I stay interested in. But like, you can't pull away too long because then I think you're not interested anymore and that just defeats the purpose. If anybody reads this and this makes any sense at all, please let me know because I am so delirious right now. XD It's 3am, I'm watching the Lion King, and I'm eating rice and beans and chicken and potato salad. I need to stop talking to people for a bit I think. At least, at night I do. I don't want to break any hearts or lead anyone on in my current state of mind. I'm probably worse than a drunk when I'm delirious. I just say stuff that I probably do mean at the time, but it's best I don't say it. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm the most vulnerable when I'm delirious.

I also just realized that a kiss will tell me everything. Maybe most girls know that already, but I was just thinking about it and it just makes sense. I don't have any experience to know for certain, but it just feels like I know what I'm talking about. lmao. I think I need to get to bed. I don't know what I'm saying anymore. Hope you enjoyed that :P

Nasia <3

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