Saturday, February 12, 2011

Identity Crisiseseses

So, everytime something dramatic happens in my life it seems I take on a new identity. Like, in order to get over it, I switch my way of thought from what's happening or worrying me to better things by changing my "identity" online. I suppose I understand how it helps me, but it's still a bit strange. Oh, and once things are back to a stable state that I can agree with, I go back to just being me. Though, the whole time I'm me...I'm just...a different part of me? I think I've had over 6 or 7 different AIM screen names because of this online identity change thing that I go through. It used to be my myspace name that would change, and then it was my AIM screen name and now it's just all over the place. I'm writing a BLOG about it! I guess that's the normal thing to do nowadays. I've never really blogged or kept up with a blog. I'm gonna try to do that now. Maybe it'll keep my identity crises to a minimum. Haha. I made chicken tacos for breakfast this morning. And my phone is off yet again. Once I'm getting paid, that won't happen anymore. I'm gonna get an iPhone...hopefully. Anyway, that was a retarded tangent. Right now I think my identity is a different part of me than it was any other time. I don't really know how to describe it. Usually it's like, my identity is just me pissed off about something, or me being all optimistic and having extreme self-confidence, or like me totally in love, or heart broken, or some mix of those. Right now, it's like all of those and none of those. Idk.

The name of this current identity is Dash. Why? Because that's the name of the next person I'm going to fall in love with...and she looks something like this:

Once I get enough money and this house is all put together, I'm gonna get her and she'll be my pal and all my troubles will be answered...because I don't have very many troubles anymore. Just those related to the heart and love and what not. Like I said in the last post, I'm not looking for another guy to fall in love with. I think it's more that I'm looking for someone to fall in love with me. Anyway, Dash will be my partner in crime. I've got Azuca, but she likes the crime part more than the partner part, but I still love her the same.

Here's to finding a stable identity...maybe I'll find someone that will keep me at just Donasia for the rest of my life one day, but there's no rush yet.

Peace  :P