Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Comfort Zone

Today I realized how far out of my comfort zone my job has pushed me. Of course, it's a professional and personal challenge that I've overcome, so it's not a bad thing. Though I have learned all the different aspects of what I do, I've never really been pushed in this direction so far. What I mean is, I'm an animator. A puppeteer. I breathe life into characters. And what I've been doing for the past three days is rigging. RIGGING. And not just character rigging, but WINGS! wit FEATHERS! Alright...so imagine you've got a doll right? And you have a person that wants to use your doll as a puppet (I'm that person. The animator.), well someone has to put the strings on the doll to make it a puppet. That's the rigger. With computers it's a bit more complicated than just attaching strings. Well, the stereotypical thought on this whole situation is that animators, though they may have rigging knowledge, aren't technical in the way riggers are and riggers...they're just too technical to animate or something. Idk. Anyway, animators and riggers are supposed to have this funny relationship where riggers rig things and animators accidentally break the rigs and complain about the way it works and all this stuff. But the bottom line is that animators don't rig...and they especially don't rig WINGS...but guess what? I did it. And though there's probably some crazy easier way to have done it...as I'm slowly figuring out, it's not bad. Kylie couldn't even break it. :D I guess in the end, knowing that I CAN rig pretty well is a huge plus. Oh, did I mention I also modeled the wings? ...and I put fur on them. FUR! That's visual effects stuff right there. I'm all over he place with this project, but hey, when it's all done I can put it on my reel or at least on my website saying "RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK SHOWN." Ok, maybe not like that, but you get it...right? Next thing you know I'll be compositing again. And that's the truth. I WILL be compositing for this same project. Pretty spectacular. Well, I should be getting back to work now.

Nasia :P

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