Saturday, February 26, 2011

Some Sort of Rant...

"You'll be eager to kick back and enjoy yourself today once you have fulfilled your obligations. But don't passively wait for an invitation; do something that enables you to express yourself in a creative way. It's likely that others will resist making commitments now, so don't count on them joining you on your escapade. It's wonderful to have company, but there's something thrilling about venturing out on your own."

Horoscope advises I go on an adventure should I go?

I wish I had this person from my mind...he's not a boyfriend...but not just a friend...and so much fun to be around. You just call him and say "Hey, let's go to Arizona" and he says "That sounds great." Then you guys go to Arizona. You don't even know why, but you go, and you find nothing to do there, but you still have a blast. He's everything you need him to be when you need him to be and when you don't he understands and knows that you actually DO. It's like he knows what you want to say, but doesn't say it first because he knows YOU want to say it. He does everything perfectly, but not so perfectly that it takes the fun out of life. You can't make fun of a person that's perfectly everything. He's clumsy when clumsy suits you best. The most adaptable man in the world. When you're angry he gets angry, too but only long enough for you to miss him and then he's right back wrapped around you. He doesn't hang out with other girls because he is simply amazed by only you, but he won't be more than your friend because you're not ready for more and he understands. He wants to take you places and buy you things and he does it, but very little because you don't want him to do it much. He puts no pressure on you, but at the same time gives you the motivation to live life to amazing extents and push yourself to heights you've never reached. He is all the inspiration and love you could ever need. And when you feel bad because you think he's just so perfect, he shows you that he is only as perfect as you are, though to him you are the definition of perfect. He grabs your hand at just the right moments and knows when you just need to cry. You hate him and love him at the same time, which makes you love him even more. When he looks in your eyes and you look away, he doesn't make you feel even more awkward by still staring at you. Instead he smiles and changes the subject for you because as much as you enjoyed that little moment, you're still scared to give in. He knows the conditions of your heart and expects nothing of you. He worries about you when you go home late at night by yourself, but would never tell you. He makes you breakfast in bed, but not every morning because he knows you love to be able to wake up and surprise him with it, too. He would never break your heart and only makes promises he knows he will keep. How anyone could possibly know is a mystery, but he would know. He would love you with a passion too deep for words, but only when you gave the word would he show you the world. He never takes things too far unless too far is where you want them to go. He would hug you for exactly the perfect amount of time; not so long that you're getting uncomfortable and not too short, leaving you with an unsatisfied hug. He calls you the perfect names at the perfect times and knows the exact tone to say them in because you can call anyone by their first name, but the way he says it makes you melt. He does all of this for you simply because he wants to. And at the same time, he takes care of himself. He has passion for his work and his hobbies and he loves to tell you about them because you love to hear about it and he loves to hear about yours, too. He can tell when you're lying and say "It was alright. Just worked all day," when you really mean "Ugh i have a headache 'cause blah blah and Jenny did this and blah blah" And he looks at you and you know he knows the truth so you tell him and when you're done he says something sweet and you just feel like Jenny could have poured her coffee on your computer, but you don't even care 'cause Jenny doesn't have THIS guy. And this guy couldn't care less about Jenny as long as you're okay. He doesn't stick around because he thinks one day he'll have a shot with you. He sticks around because he loves your company. When you're bored, he calls you up to go hang out at this awesome new place and when you really have no idea what you want to have for dinner, he picks a place instead of saying it doesn't matter to him where you eat.

If this guy ever decides to get out of my imagination and into my world, I think I'd be too scared to give in, but this guy, he would know, and he would stick around so that when I was ready, I could give in and enter total free fall for the fourth time in my life, but this time be completely certain that once he catches me, I won't go falling ever again.

Alright...I think I'm done ranting now...

Nasia <3

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