Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Guide Book To This Dork

This post will be an ongoing list of facts and random things about me that may or may not be useful one day to somebody. It starts like this:

I believe I can get anything I want.
I never really want very much.
I'd prefer a long, sincere hug from someone important to me than a birthday/Christmas present.
I wear size 7 shoes.
My favorite color is red, though it has been known to drift into orange or purple on occasion.
My favorite color defines my state of mind.
*I love my Samsung Gravity. It defies the effects of gravity. I've got a MyTouch now that I do enjoy a lot. Gravity still has a place in my heart. It was a reliable and loyal phone.
I love water.
I used to want to be a firefighter.
High school was easy.
College was easy sometimes.
I love my friends and no matter how long it's been since I've seen them, I can pick right back up where we left off.
I fall very deeply in love when I fall in love.
I believe in happy endings.
When I'm sad, hugs make me cry even more, but they make me feel better.
When I'm happy, hugs can make me cry too, but only because I'm so happy.
When I'm angry, a hug can break me down, but will resolve a problem faster than ignoring me.
Puppies and kittens doing random things can brighten up my day.
I absolutely love compliments and songs dedicated to me *but done at the right times and not in too much of an abundance.
If I wasn't delirious, I probably wouldn't have made this.
I've tried online dating.
I've been in a long distance relationship and do not want to do that again.
I am very affectionate when I appreciate you.
If I let you see me cry, I really, really trust you and I feel like you trust me, too.
I hate letting people see me sad or angry.
I love knowing when someone appreciates something I've done, no matter what it is or when they say it.
I'm often speechless.
I don't know what to do when I meet people for the first time and that's why I'm always so shy at first.
I say a lot of dumb things to entertain myself.
If I give you the last of anything I have, it's just me being me. I know people take that as a gesture of some kind. I just do it.
I spread myself too thin and I'm often too proud to admit it.
Though I trust other people easily, I never put my future or life fully in someone's hands.
In group projects, I keep an eye on everything that goes on if it will affect my success. It's not that I don't trust you, I just like to know what's going on in case my assistance is needed.
I love chocolate.
I extremely love dark chocolate.
*Ghirardeli (however you spell that) Dark Chocolate with Raspberry filling was once my absolute favorite.
*Now I think it's Almond Snickers.
My favorite cake is german chocolate with coconut icing.
I have several favorite ice cream flavors including rainbow sherbet, cookies n cream, and pretty much anything with chocolate like rocky road, mint chocolate, etc.
Any of those flavors will make me happy.
I've only ever stuffed my face with ice cream from being sad ONCE and I hardly ate any of it.
It takes me a while to fall asleep most nights.
If I eat oily/greasy chicken before bed it will take me hours to fall asleep if I even fall asleep and the sleep will be full of nightmares.
I don't know how to react to surprises so I usually just smile and say thank you.
I don't know how to react to lots of other things and tend to smile or laugh.
I spend a lot of time observing people interacting with other people.
I'd rather observe/experience a person than sit around asking them questions.
I've learned that I have a difficult time letting people get very close to me though I always show who I really am.
My one real weakness is in my heart and it's proven to be difficult to get in...and out.
My mind and heart work separately. This keeps emotion out of the way of my business, but I also lose a lot of control over my emotions. I can think straight though the water works are on full blast.
I have tiny ear canals. I used to get ear problems often. I'm sensitive about things going in my ears without my permission and sometimes even with it.
I'm very "hands-on" with most things.
Saying things with a certain tone or doing things a certain way can have a huge effect on how I feel about it. (i.e.: Significant other saying "babe" in a mellow tone and smiling will result in that "school girl" type of butterfly/nervous/smiley feeling. Change the tone a bit and add a worried look and a pause, and every possible death/breakup/badnews comes flying at me all at once. Not many get the ability to have either of these affects on me.)
If I look worried/sad/down and you ask me if I'm ok I'll most likely say "yea, I'm alright" and maybe even laugh a little no matter if I'm actually ok or not. If I say "no," meaning that I'm not ok, get ready for water works. If I don't reveal to you what's bothering me, I probably don't know, don't understand it, or just don't want to tell you.
I don't like to reveal when I'm feeling down because it tends to make others feel down about me feeling down and then I feel even worse. Just do things to take my mind off whatever it may be if you really think there's something wrong.
Just because I'm not smiling or jumping around, doesn't mean I'm not happy or that something is wrong. I like to chill, too.

That's all for now...

Nasia <3

*newest updates
**everything from here down is new

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