Thursday, March 17, 2011


Ok...I don't know if I'm weird for this, but hey, it's my blog and I really don't care...every guy has this distinct smell. Some more noticeable than others of course, but I've noticed that that smell can either be comforting/familiar/attracting or the opposite of that. Hehe. What I mean is this...when you get close to a guy, his scent can either engulf you in a sort of (for lack of a better word) ecstasy or make you wish you weren't so close to him. It's a strange sort of thing when I think about it, but it makes sense. Not only does one attract the eyes, but also the nose and ears too, of course. Everyone knows when a voice is "sexy" or "cute" or just plain attractive. There's no real reasoning to it. It's just nature. When all the senses sync up, that's when you're truly engulfed in someone. That's how I feel about it all at least. So far it makes sense...


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