Sunday, March 13, 2011


I don't have the strength and/or will to say "hello" to you anymore. I made an attempt to continue a friendship that I once held very dear, but seeing as the other component of this friendship doesn't make the same effort, I've deemed it unworthy of my time. Though, I should have completely removed this component from my world, as its actions resulted in it not deserving even my friendship, I, being who I am, still put my hand out to be a friend to prevent the unhappiness of said component. I once assisted in preventing this same thing between this component and a friend and then I found myself on the wrong side of the stick, wishing someone else would prevent this for me. But now, I feel that component needs me not and need it not I as well. I suppose now it wants me not, though it stated otherwise before. If you wish to be my friend, show me that you wish to be my friend by responding to me when I talk to you and talking to me on your own every now and then. If you wish to be my close friend, show interest in my world as I show in yours and do it often. Sadly now though, I wish to have nothing to do with your world. I tried to hold on to a little bit of something, but now I think you do not deserve it because you don't make the same effort. I hope that one day I meet someone who will try to make a larger effort to please me than I do to please them. I feel like I'm always the one putting in the most effort to hold things together. It's a two way street. Drive right or get off the road. That's all the energy I want to put into that little thing right there. He who tries harder to please me than I to please him, deserves my time. Anyway...on to better days...

In shallower news...
I hate when I meet a cute guy and that's all there is to him...he's just cute. Not necessarily "good-looking" but cute. He's got a cute personality, style, way of thought. But there's no depth to him. There's no awesome stories about how he and his buddies went somewhere and found this cool place and they did this interesting stuff or just things that make you just want to keep talking. Like, I can enjoy sitting in silence with someone depending on who it is. If it's someone I just met and/or they're shy, that's okay. But if after hanging out a few times there's still nothing, as Nelly Furtado would say, "I'm like a bird. I'll only fly away." I want to meet someone that's adorably interesting, that thinks I'm adorably interesting, too.

One day...


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