Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cubes and Triangles

"Until you overcome the obstacle within yourself, you cannot overcome the obstacle you're facing."

I'm not super religious, but I do believe that God puts us in certain situations so that we can face them and learn from them. They are for us to grow as people. If we do not make the change within ourselves that is required to overcome the obstacle, we will only continue to run into the same obstacle and never grow. You can't put the cube in the triangle hole...learned that in day one. You can't run around with self-pity when things go wrong every time, especially if they keep going wrong. Obviously you're missing something here. No matter which way you try to shove the cube in the triangle hole, it's not gonna work. The cube might fit in another hole, but you have to find that hole. And if you can't find the right hole, find another shape. You have to mold yourself and change your skills/ways/thoughts to get across certain obstacles. If a job requires you to know how to do something, learn how to do it and do it well. Don't pass up the opportunity because you don't fit the job. Make yourself fit. It's amazing, the things they teach us in kindergarten...


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