Wednesday, March 30, 2011


"I was inspired on the bus this morning by a little girl with a red balloon."

I was sitting on the bus this morning on my way to work and a little girl and her mom get on the buss and sit in front of me. The girl was about 4 years old. I don't remember what she was wearing, but she had a little hat on her head and a big red balloon in her hand. I began to think of things I could do with a red balloon and I thought of this. I want to create this little character from my head; have him modeled, rigged. He's gonna be walking around with a red balloon in a totally empty space. Everything is white. Even he's white. There are only shadows of ambient occlusion (look it up if you must). Well, and of course the balloon is red. He'll be walking around sort of lost in this little world as though he's looking for someone. I suppose his general age mind-set would be about 4-5. At some point he'll turn around and there will be a giant city behind him, but still no color. Just the red balloon. He walks through the city curiously. He goes to cross the street and gets about halfway before he hears a chuckle or a cat or something. im not sure what yet. he stops and looks over his shoulder. just then, a bus comes flying by as the camera pans up and screeching noises are heard. you see the red balloon float up to the power lines and pass the buildings and into the clouds. the camera then shows the street from one end and pans up again and you see the little guy standing in the middle of the street with his hands tight over his face and one knee up. the bus is stopped in the intersection with other people on it. the little guy walks toward the bus and sees a sign that says "HOME" He gets on and looks out the window. you see the reflection of the balloon in the sky on his window. The End. I dunno what it means, but it sounds real cool. XD Well, I gotta get him drawn up and storyboarded. Hasta la vista.
Nasia :P

What Is My Purpose?

I have often asked myself this as I'm sure many people have. But today, in the last 5 minutes actually I have come to a possible conclusion that I am a Teacher. That is my purpose. That is what I find myself doing every time I stop and look at what I am doing. I'm tutoring or helping someone do something or learning something myself. Everywhere I go, I'm showing someone how. Constantly teaching. Even at work I'm teaching people. I'm sharing knowledge. I think that is my purpose. Some people are meant to make us ask questions. Some people give us answers to those questions. You know when someone sees someone else do something amazing and they wonder HOW did that happen and get so intrigued they dedicate their life to it. Sometimes those people are doctors, scientists, and things of that sort. Constantly researching. They find answers to those questions. The person that made them ask the question has fulfilled his purpose. And me, I sort of mediate between the info makers and those looking for the info. I would have said facts, but I don't believe in facts. That's another story though. I believe that there are a plethora of possible purposes a person may have, but I think my main "bracket" purpose is to teach. When I get the right motivation, I think I'll be back in school getting my credentials. People always tell me I'm a great teacher anyway. I need to put all of my skills to use. I go to work to animate and what not and find myself teaching. I think that's a sign. I went to school to learn to animate and found myself teaching, too. Haha. It never ends. And I enjoy it. So, maybe that's my purpose. It's not too late to jump on the right wagon. Sometimes it is, but I think with teaching, it's never to late.

Nasia :P

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Black Hole Love

When you take the time to open your heart to someone that wants to love you, it's like opening a black hole in the middle of the sun. All this warmth just rushes in and overwhelms you. If you're not careful, you could get burned, but if you ARE...well the world is such a wonderful place.  Just seep in the warmth little by little and it's like you're walking on sunshine...literally in this example. Of course, the love has to be constantly flowing. If it stops and the sunshine fades, you begin to suck in the darkness of space and form that originally empty vacuum all over again. And this love can be from anyone. Anyone that wants to love you. It could be your mom even. You don't have to be in love. You just have to let people love you and of course love yourself, too. I may not be ready to be in love, but I am ready to let the love into my heart again. I feel sorry for the people that can't open their hearts that way. There is a whole world of love out there and one day they're going to open the doors and the whole world will come rushing in so fast they'll explode. Though my pain has not been extreme, it has been enough and I'm still learning from it. I may not be able to prevent myself from certain experiences and situations, but I can learn from them so that if I find myself there again, I will have a better idea of what NOT to do. No one ever knows what to do. They only know what happened the last time they tried something. This action makes this reaction. If I don't like it I'll try another action next time. Any who, I know that though I am afraid of many things, the right person will understand and help me overcome those fears. They'll show me how not to be afraid and give me a reason not to be afraid. But I know once I can fall in love again that I will always be able to overcome my own fears. It is simply an obstacle within myself, that I must overcome before I can continue on to the obstacle in front of me.

Nasia <3

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Mind. My Heart. My Addiction

Sometimes I would rather have not said things that appear in my mind. Though I usually feel better after they've been said, I feel they haven't really made anything better. I guess all that matters is that I feel better inside. And slowly, as the days go on and I deal with the different internal issues I come upon by blogging or talking or crying or whatever is necessary at the time, I can feel myself drift in the right direction. Right now I'm going down a path that both my heart and mind are afraid to continue on, but it's nothing bad. If anything, I may have found the answer to my previous question "Who saves the hero?" Is it so bad to leap from the crumbling walls of heart break and into the safe, warm net of a new friend? I'm scared. I know I am. But from this angle, the view is amazing.

I think I have a problem...I'm addicted to that feeling...that puppy dog butterfly feeling. I search for it in everything and the only satisfaction I can find is in romantic movies and roller coasters. Haha. I guess that's more of an anxious feeling, but it's similar in the biological sense...I think...Anyway, yea...I love that feeling of being in love and seeing someone and just smiling and all of that good stuff. Without it, I feel blank. Like I have no emotion except love because for me, being content or depressed are becoming normal emotions. Like, if you graphed the height of my emotions compared to anyone else's, I smile all the time so my normal level is at anyone else's happy level. Below that is just tired/exhausted/in thought or something on the verge of being sad. When exciting things happen. I just smile. There's like a threshold that most things fit between and only the feeling of being in love breaks above that threshold. And only the feeling of losing love goes below that threshold...well, that and disappointing myself. And in a sense, losing love hurts the most because I am disappointed in myself. Even if it's not my fault that the event occurred, somewhere in there I feel I could have prevented myself from experiencing that pain by being smarter about the way I handled certain situations. It's only when I let go of my mind's inhibitions that I can let my heart free to love that way, but then I tend to do things against my own standards. Like right now...I'm afraid to let my heart free like that. I know I CAN, but I'm afraid of several things. Not only of getting hurt again by someone new, but of getting hurt by the past catching up to me, or of the past surpassing me, or of letting myself free only to find I'm in the wrong jungle and have to hurt someone else to regain myself.'s so unnecessarily complicated. But I have found that this new aspect of my life, this new path that has been carved, slowly takes me away from the old path. Frees me from the pain and issues of the past. I'm not running away from my past. My past ran away from me. I'm looking for a new future is all...and I guess that's always scary. We're always so afraid of the unknown. I don't want to be afraid anymore. I've gotten through this pain many times before. I know I can do it again. And right now, and even in the future, I think it's worth it...but I won't leap head first. I'm going slow. Very slow. Just like before...but I just don't know when I get to that point like last time, if I'll be more hesitant or ready or what...I guess I'll just have to see if I make it there...either way this goes...thank you, Batman...


Thursday, March 17, 2011


Alright. Today is one of those days you only hear about in this blog right here. So this morning, around 10:00 my mom drops me off on the corner of Western and your mom (don't go looking for me :P). Maybe about 10 minutes later this guy comes over and asks me how long I've been there as he stares down the street to see if the bus is anywhere near. "5-10 minutes I think." "Oh ok," he says as he walks backward towards a brick wall about 3 feet from the bench I was sitting on. "Where's your family from?" I look up. "Belize." He takes a step forward off the wall. "It's been a while since I met someone from Belize." Conversation continued. He asked me for my number. "Sure, why not?" I entered my number into his phone as he asked me about what I do and where I'm from and how old I am and told me about where he was off to and what he does and made sure to ask if I was dating anyone. "No.." Bus arrived at some time I didn't notice. We got on. He waited for me to pay my fair and sat in the seat across from me. I asked him about his job. He asked me about where I was going. A friend of his entered the bus. They talked the rest of the ride until he got off. She got off shortly after.

I kept riding until I got to my stop. I crossed the street; backpack on my back; skateboard in hand. "Hey!" I hear from a woman behind me. I turn around. She's bending over to pick up what looked like a wad of cash. It was a wad of cash. Not my wad of cash. And as much as I knew I needed that, the person it belongs to needed it more. A few bills isn't worth bad karma. I shook my head. It's not mine. I looked ahead of me. There was another woman just getting to the train station stairs, about to go down. "Hey! Ma'am! Excuse me!" I ran to the woman and tapped her upper arm. She looked up. I pointed to the woman with the wad of cash. "I think you dropped that." "Oh, my goodness," she said in what sounded like a Russian accent. I'm no professional linguist, but I watch movies. It was at least a movie quality Russian accent if that makes sense. She nodded to me and thanked me and the other woman. "Look at those good citizens," I hear from a man standing at another bus stop on the same corner. No biggie, I thought. I continued to the train and got on. Nothing unusual there. Got off at my stop and went to work.

Around 1 or 2, boss got hungry, handed me a 20 and asked me to run to this little restaurant and grab us some lunch. I was happy to take the nice little walk and get some fresh air. I got to the restaurant, got the food, and walked back to work. It was strange, how much I enjoyed that little walk. I thought I wasn't thinking about anything until I was thinking about how I wasn't thinking about anything. Hehe. Well, I got back to work, did what I do there, while texting like 3 different people. All who want to hang out with me and are trying to make plans to go somewhere with me. I've been so tired from work I'm trying not to sound ike I'm just making excuses, but I kinda was just making excuses, though I actually was planning on tutoring my cousin tonight. She didn't need me to come by again. Anyway, I put the energy out there and now it's coming back to me.

So, I figure after work I'm gonna go to the movies and hang with one of my new friends (not the one from the bus stop). I get to Hollywood and Highland as I'm texting my friend, let's call him Chalupa since that's what's on my Taco Bell taco wrapper paper thing. So, I text Chalupa and he says meet him at the Gap, so I'm waiting there and this guy walks up to me. Now, I had never met Chalupa in person. Don't judge me okay. I talked to him for a while and we were gonna hang out. Anyway, he sticks out his hand and says "Hey, I'm Bernard." He totally walks up to me like he knew I was waiting for him. If you can probably tell already, this guy is not Chalupa. He's Bernard. But I'm having a good day so I'm like whatever. I'll amuse him. This guy starts talking to me and he's saying things that all sort of add up to what I've talked to Chalupa about. He's an actor and he has a cartoon idea and he just got Skype. Wait what? Then who have I been talking to? I ask him. He tries to remember. I ask him why he doesn't look like his pictures. He takes off his glasses and asks me if he looks like himself now? "No...not really..." "Older or younger?" "Uh...def older." "Really?" he says as if it's some sort of surprise. "Yea. You said you were like 20 something. How old are you?" "I'm 39. It's because I'm an actor and you know we post our age younger so we can get the part." WHERE ARE ALL YOUR GREAT ESCAPE PLANS?! I'm thinking to myself how I can possibly make up some excuse to get out of this strange situation. This is NOT Chalupa. "Uh...this is awkward..." I think I said that like 5 times before he responded with a simple grin and nod. I scan the scene for SOMETHING to save me from this weird old guy and Hey! That guy looks like the guy I talked to from before! He walks up to me, shakes Bernard's hand and mine as well. "I've got a really funny story to tell you in a sec." "Oh really? Tell me." "In a sec." I look at the old guy and he nods and says goodbye. Strange. I know. "Alright so, I have NO idea who that guy is." "Me neither," Chalupa says. I tell him my story. He laughs of course. Who wouldn't? I was still laughing in my unnerved confusion.

Any who, we went to see Red Riding Hood after spending about an hour wandering around Hollywood Blvd. and being told you can't take skateboards into the Kodak theatre and also after spending about an hour in Taco Bell chatting with this guy about Inception and who's a "quality entertainer" versus people we only respect for the fact that they make money but not necessarily for what they do. Like Souljaboi. He's not a great rapper, but he got his job done the way the people wanted it done and he made his money. Red Riding Hood was pretty good, by the way. On my way to the restroom after the movie, who do I see leaving the men's bathroom as my bladder is about to burst just from grabbing that door handle? Vince Vaughn. "No big deal," he says as he nods at me. "What's up?" I say, nodding back and rushing into the restroom. I hadn't really noticed who he was until I got out and Chalupa informs me that he just talked to Vince Vaughn on his way out. "Yea, I just said what's up to him on my way into the bathroom." As we left, I was admittedly looking to see if I'd see Vince again on my way out. I wasn't lifting rocks trying to find him, but I did glance around to no success. Either way, it was a cool experience. I ended the night with a hug from Chalupa and a ride home from my big bro. I need to be getting to bed now, but that was my big adventure for the week.

Oh, and tomorrow I might be going to City Walk with Bus Stop Guy after work. He was persistent. What can I say? There's no harm in meeting new people and enjoying myself at the same time right? And if all else fails I got a free movie and meal and they got to hang with my most frequently received comment lately: "an increasingly interesting girl." Goodnight.

Nasia :P


Ok...I don't know if I'm weird for this, but hey, it's my blog and I really don't care...every guy has this distinct smell. Some more noticeable than others of course, but I've noticed that that smell can either be comforting/familiar/attracting or the opposite of that. Hehe. What I mean is this...when you get close to a guy, his scent can either engulf you in a sort of (for lack of a better word) ecstasy or make you wish you weren't so close to him. It's a strange sort of thing when I think about it, but it makes sense. Not only does one attract the eyes, but also the nose and ears too, of course. Everyone knows when a voice is "sexy" or "cute" or just plain attractive. There's no real reasoning to it. It's just nature. When all the senses sync up, that's when you're truly engulfed in someone. That's how I feel about it all at least. So far it makes sense...


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Up To Speed

It seems life is slowly catching up to itself again...or it's catching up to me...or I'm catching up to it. Either way it goes, things are catching up to speed. I've got people that want to hang out with me. I'm not really making money yet, but I'm closer to it than before. I've got so many other things on my mind I don't have time to think about the things that were causing me misery from the past. I suppose this is how it's supposed to be eh?

Nasia :P

Monday, March 14, 2011


I want to be in love again...or just keep watching movies that make me feel like I'm in it. Is it so bad to feel that way? To simply want to be in love? hm...

Mind Merge

I think I have this power to merge my mind with other people. I used to think it was only with people I'm really close to, but I think It may even reach out further than that. It can't just be coincidence that me and another person have the same random thought so often. I'd understand if it's someone I'm around often like me and my little brother used to do or some of my friends. It's just strange because these people never have it with other people. They only mind merge with me or at least it starts with me. I'll be talking to someone I just met for maybe 30 minutes and before you know it I'm taking words and ideas right out of their head. Sometimes they weren't even going to say those things or they were going to and forgot them and I feel it's like I took the idea from their head and said it first. Hehe. Idk. I wouldn't be surprised. My mom can take people's illnesses. Of course, it's not like she can cure cancer but she removes things like colds and sinus flu from me and my bros and cousins with just her thoughts. Idunno. haha. Goodnight.

Nasia :P

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I don't have the strength and/or will to say "hello" to you anymore. I made an attempt to continue a friendship that I once held very dear, but seeing as the other component of this friendship doesn't make the same effort, I've deemed it unworthy of my time. Though, I should have completely removed this component from my world, as its actions resulted in it not deserving even my friendship, I, being who I am, still put my hand out to be a friend to prevent the unhappiness of said component. I once assisted in preventing this same thing between this component and a friend and then I found myself on the wrong side of the stick, wishing someone else would prevent this for me. But now, I feel that component needs me not and need it not I as well. I suppose now it wants me not, though it stated otherwise before. If you wish to be my friend, show me that you wish to be my friend by responding to me when I talk to you and talking to me on your own every now and then. If you wish to be my close friend, show interest in my world as I show in yours and do it often. Sadly now though, I wish to have nothing to do with your world. I tried to hold on to a little bit of something, but now I think you do not deserve it because you don't make the same effort. I hope that one day I meet someone who will try to make a larger effort to please me than I do to please them. I feel like I'm always the one putting in the most effort to hold things together. It's a two way street. Drive right or get off the road. That's all the energy I want to put into that little thing right there. He who tries harder to please me than I to please him, deserves my time. Anyway...on to better days...

In shallower news...
I hate when I meet a cute guy and that's all there is to him...he's just cute. Not necessarily "good-looking" but cute. He's got a cute personality, style, way of thought. But there's no depth to him. There's no awesome stories about how he and his buddies went somewhere and found this cool place and they did this interesting stuff or just things that make you just want to keep talking. Like, I can enjoy sitting in silence with someone depending on who it is. If it's someone I just met and/or they're shy, that's okay. But if after hanging out a few times there's still nothing, as Nelly Furtado would say, "I'm like a bird. I'll only fly away." I want to meet someone that's adorably interesting, that thinks I'm adorably interesting, too.

One day...


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Slackin' or Waitin'? (and other random topics)

Man, I've been slippin'. I went from like 2 blogs a night to 1 every 2 or 3 days. I guess that's a good thing. I'm so busy doing nothing that I don't have time to write about it. Hehe. I don't even know what I'm doing now. I go to the studio and sit at my laptop and do little projects for myself. Hopefully I can actually finish something. I'm trying to figure out what it is I'm waiting for. As far as my heart goes, I've been alright. Had a little depression moment the other night, but it happens. I got over it. My gnome project dude helped with that. It's just so lonely when you're the only person in your head, you know? I've got people that come and go, but no one that just stays all the time. Not anymore at least. I've found myself crossing over to the other side and I don't feel so bad anymore. I'll give it another month before I'm "healed" enough to stop the midnight depression. My morning have gotten pretty good, I suppose. No thoughts I shouldn't be having. No more unpleasant dreams, though I've had a few that have me questioning some things when I wake up. Maybe it means I'll be getting some answers soon. You know that question "Why did this happen to me?" I stopped asking it. I'll find out sooner or later, when the time is right. I've also met some new people. It doesn't matter how, but they're pretty cool. I like having people to talk to all the time. People that have things to say. People with more in their heads than "I'm good. Just doing the same thing." That's my answer when I'm tired or don't feel like talking about something...or when I'm texting. I hate texting. Like, it takes so long to say anything and then my phone is all sorts of retarded when I get to sending a text. You can't do anything else until the text is sent and if you receive a text while one is being sent out, then it takes even longer to send your text. Like, retardedly longer. Anyway, I don't like texting. Instant messaging is cool. Email is alright if you say more than 5 words in the email. Otherwise you might as well be texting. Oh, so I was talking to one of my guy friends and he asked me if I like to cuddle. Well, of course I do, but not with just anyone. Is it just me or do people just cuddle with anybody? You've got to be family, a real close friend, or my boyfriend to cuddle me. It's just weird to me...cuddling with just anybody. It takes away the whole unique specialness behind it. Idunno. Well, that's all for now.

Nasia :P

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cubes and Triangles

"Until you overcome the obstacle within yourself, you cannot overcome the obstacle you're facing."

I'm not super religious, but I do believe that God puts us in certain situations so that we can face them and learn from them. They are for us to grow as people. If we do not make the change within ourselves that is required to overcome the obstacle, we will only continue to run into the same obstacle and never grow. You can't put the cube in the triangle hole...learned that in day one. You can't run around with self-pity when things go wrong every time, especially if they keep going wrong. Obviously you're missing something here. No matter which way you try to shove the cube in the triangle hole, it's not gonna work. The cube might fit in another hole, but you have to find that hole. And if you can't find the right hole, find another shape. You have to mold yourself and change your skills/ways/thoughts to get across certain obstacles. If a job requires you to know how to do something, learn how to do it and do it well. Don't pass up the opportunity because you don't fit the job. Make yourself fit. It's amazing, the things they teach us in kindergarten...


Fortune Cookie 1

"Romance and travel go together now."

I'm not sure how to take this, but I have hopeful ideas of what it could be referring to. I'm gonna just keep going with the flow. If/When money is flowing and work gets slow, I'm gonna take some time and go to Italy...hopefully work takes me over there. That would be sweet.

Nasia o_O

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lion King

I have just connected that movie to my life and I'm hoping the story plays out the same...Pride Rock needs its king...


Monday, March 7, 2011


Dear You-know-who-you-are-if-you-ever-read-this,

I'm going to write this in the best Spanish I can remember...

Mi corazón quiere esperarte...pero cada vez que recuerdo tu cara, todo mi mundo se calle. Cada vez que recuerdo tu sonrisa, mi corazón rompe. Toda cosa de ti me hace tanto dolor. ¿Porqué no puedes amarme? ¿Porqué no me quieres? Voy a esperarte. Voy a hacer lo que tengo que hacer para vivir como vivo. Continuaré a amarte y quererte...pero si tus labios besan otros labios antes de cura mi corazon, te voy a quitar de mi vida sin pregunta. No por la opción.


Living for The Moment

I've decided to stop thinking about things and just enjoy them. If I go hang out with somebody, I won't think about all the possible things that are happening or could happen. I'm just going to enjoy hanging out with them. I guess that's what it means when they say live for the moment. My future is pretty set as far as work goes. I've got that part handled. On the other side, I'm all over the place still, but I feel the motion of the ocean on the sides of my boat. Every day I can feel the waves take me further and I can see the shores of the past fading in the mist. I'm still rowin'. The storm is over, and the waters are still a little rough, but my boat is sturdy. ^_^ Time for bed now, work in the morn.

Nasia :P

Friday, March 4, 2011

Breakdown to Pluto

Alright so I've been talking to a few different people and I've come to the following conclusion. I'm not trying to toot my own horn here but I just want to break this all down.

So here it is:
I'm a wonderful girl. I'm cute/pretty/beautiful/gorgeous. I'm young. I have a great body. I'm extremely talented. I got my Bachelor of Science at 19. I'm working at a Visual Effects Studio. I have the skill, talent, and drive to be great. I'm mature and responsible. I don't like money or for people to spend all of their money on me all the time. I have hobbies that cover almost every corner in the spectrum of interests and if it's not my hobby, it's probably something I've had a spark of interest in and just haven't gotten into it yet. I have awesome genes. I'm handy, courteous, considerate, honest, patient when I need to be, laid back, and friendly. I'm very intelligent. I don't get upset easily. When I love someone, I love completely and truly and I give my all. I try to rid myself of annoying habits and tendencies. I don't do drugs or smoke and I drink just enough to have a little extra fun but not enough to be an idiot. I don't have money right now, but I don't require it from other people. I take care of myself in every other aspect. I'm ahead in life.

All of this, I have heard from more than one person. I know, I've got my flaws, but so does everyone. Why can't someone else be at my level? I want to find someone, not even someone to fall in love with, but just someone at my level. Someone to relate to. Someone else...from Pluto...

This is my message to you, other Plutonian. I can't be the last one. I'll die of heartbreak if I'm the last one. Find me.

Nasia 9_9

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

There are a whole lot of people in this world...

Like a WHOLE lot...

and of the 50 bajillion I will meet, one of them might take a liking to me and I to him and we might fall in love and have a family and live happily ever after. Just one of those 50 bajillion...cause I don't plan on having a family with more than one. You're crazy. But really think about it. We're supposed to find one of those 50 bajillion people? Like, why can't there be less people? That means there is a possibility that I have to meet 50 bajillionish people before I find that ONE that's been looking for me. Oh boy...

Gonna stop thinking about that now.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Horoscope Again

That thing is beginning to scare me...

Usually it's like, "oh yea that's kinda true, that too, not so much that part..." and then it's whatever, but the past month it's been like "yup yup...yea...that too...yup" everyday! At least...everyday I look at it...hrm...ah well, I shall remember its words as I go about my days.


The Professional Troubleshooter

"Don't worry. I'll handle it." The Professional Troubleshooter. That will be my title. See, the way I see the world, I'm not exceptionally book smart like people think I am. I don't know presidents. I don't remember logarithms. I'm not some crazy child prodigy. I just know how to press "Search" in Google really well. Like, FLAMES erupt from my keyboard when I hit enter. I swear dragons and mystical creatures purr to the sound of me typing into Google search bar. You can call me The Mystical Googler, if you wish. (Please don't take that seriously :P) Today my boss needed a program, I found it. He needed to know something about it, I found out the answer. He had trouble, I troubleshot. His friend had a question, I found another answer. I don't know these things, I just know how to find them out. Okay...yea, there is some kind of thought and knowledge put into it, but for the most part, I feel like it's pretty much common sense. What's the shortcut key to get the rotopaint tool in nuke?(I was not asked this question) Type in Google: Nuke rotopaint keyboard shortcut. Billions of pages pop up with the same answer. Idk...sometimes I wonder about people when they google things...

Anywho, this subject came up in my head because my boss was bragging to his friend about how I'm like a Mac master when really, every time I have an issue or want to make my life a little easier by scripting the time in HUGE font right on my desktop, I look up how to do it and then I do it. My mind only expands as far as Google and other accessible resource materials allow when used together. Information is useless if you don't know how to use it, right? Well, that's all for now. I had fun at work. My hacker skills gained me -500 Hunger...for some reason I wrote that as hunGer at first...with a capital G...actually, I wrote hunger and went back and made the G capital...don't ask...I have no mom put something in the spaghetti or I don't know. I'm from Pluto. Leave me alone. :P

Nasia ^_^