Monday, May 2, 2011

Who Saves the Hero?

I've asked this a few times on here. Who saves the hero? This time, it isn't about me. See, my mom is a person who does her best to make sure everyone else is alright. She goes through all of the stress and bending over backwards to make everyone else's lives easier. She's the unappreciated hero. Well, unappreciated by most. She's the person I hold responsible for all of my accomplishments. Without her I would be nothing and for that she is more than just my hero. I go to her for everything. But in her times of need, and stress, and worry, who does she have to go to? When all of the rest of the world is sitting on her shoulders or trying to stab her back, who can she look to? I look to her in those times. See...the people that she should be able to look to are sometimes the people causing her to go crazy in the first place. And then the people that aren't driving her crazy somehow manage to make things worse. That's why I always do my best to show my mom that I appreciate her. I know she knows that I do and I know her just seeing me able to do the things I do is enough for her, but it isn't enough for me. The things my mom accomplishes is exactly what motivates me to believe I can do anything. Everything she puts her mind to, she gets done. No, she isn't perfect, but she never falls on her back in failure when things go wrong. Somehow she manages to pull off everything at the same time and do it with such tenacity and grace. My mom is Superwoman. I know I'm no fan of Superman, but Superwoman is a whole different entity. The things my mom puts up with aren't things she should have to put up with, but she does it anyway...for the good of her family and loved ones. She's the lion forever protecting, hunting, guiding, and watching over everything. She takes pride in her family, but doesn't boast over her accomplishments. She's independent and strong. And even in her times of struggle, she stays tough and fights through the storm. It's not fair, but I guess God puts only one in every family. One lion to hold it all together..

so...who saves the hero?

The next in line.

Happy Week Early Mother's Day,

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