Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Azuca's Mystery

So...I'm sitting at my desk when Azuca decides to jump up on my lap and stare at me. Since I've been back, she's NEVER jumped up on my lap. So I take advantage of the moment and pet her. She lays down and purrs. This lasts about ten minutes. She then licks my hand which is always accompanied by a bite. I tell her "no," and she stops. I keep petting her. She then decides to bite me again. I tap her head and say no as she jumps off my lap. Staring at me from the floor, her ears laying back, she pounces at my ankle. I tap her again. "No Azuca." She looks at me like "Damn you woman." I don't understand it o_O At first she wants nothing to do with me. Now she wants all of my attention all of the time. She even walks in front of my computer, steps on the keyboard, pauses in front of the screen, and licks her paws. Then she stares at me and keeps going. And when I'm around the house, she follows 3 feet behind me and meows when I look at her. This continues until I go in my room where she'll either find a place to sleep or try gaining my attention by walking across the desk...I don't understand...I really don't...

Earlier today when similar events took place...

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