Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bus and Train People

I often run into a lot of interesting people on the bus and train. This post will be dedicated to them...

I love the people that jam out to their iPods. They walk to the beat and bob their heads. Some even rap and sing along with it. They live life.

There was this dude who's pecs were so big he couldn't put his arms down so he walked like a pigeon does with its chest out. He also kept waving his hand like he was allowing the train conductor to proceed with closing the doors every time they announced the doors were closing. Strange dude. He was also cussing someone out because pecs guy was standing where the bikes go and a guy wanted to put his bike there but pecs guy was being an a$$ and wouldn't let him so he had to stand in the middle of the aisle with his bike while pecs guy let out some of his childhood butt frustration on the poor bike dude. Sad day for them. After bike dude left, pecs guy stood in front of the door, blocking people from getting on and off so they just kind of squeezed past him. I just wanted to be like dude, your boobs are not doors. People can't get past you, but I was too into my music and OMG

There was this puppy outside the train. I was thinking about this puppy. MOST ADORABLE PUPPY EVER! First time I fell in love at first sight. I saw him on the sidewalk and was struck. I almost got off the train to go get him and take him home, but my mom probably would have killed me for bringing home another animal with the 3 we already have, plus the ones next door. Ah! He was sooooo cute though. If he's still there when I go home, I'm gonna grab him up. I don't even care. XD I hope he isn't though and was just chilling outside of his own house. I didn't see anyone else around though. Poor little dude.

So I'm standing at the station waiting for the train and decide to walk down to the other end like I always do and the spot where I decide to land was about 2 feet from this old black dude. He turned and caught eye contact with me and out of respect I made a slight grin and nodded and went back to my music, nodding my head and tapping my foot. I noticed he hadn't turned back around and looked up slightly and he was still looking at me. I grinned again and started to turn away from him, but he started saying something. I thought he was gonna ask for help getting somewhere 'cause that's what a lot of people seem to ask me, as though I know my way around or something. I took out an earphone and listened. To sum it all up, he wanted to get to know me and get my number and meet up some time. He was like...60! So, he gives me his number and asks me if I remembered it. His name was Melvin. Watch out for old black dudes named Melvin riding the train. He was talking about me coming to pick him up and stuff. I was like uh, sorry dude. So the train arrives and he's like come on. I follow him to the door and just as he gets in and some people get between us, I book it to the next train car. I was NOT about to be talking to this old dude having to make up stuff about where I was going and what not. Man...it was really quite amusing when I got in the next car though 'cause he was still talking to me when I decided to run. Probably turned around and saw I was gone and was like damn... XD Old creeper...

Also, I didn't see the puppy again. I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad about that. 'Cause if he was still there that would mean he spent all night there and I could have saved him! But since he wasn't, maybe he actually belonged to someone and I would have looked dumb trying to take home someone else's puppy. Ah well, I hope you're safe little puppy.

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