Monday, May 2, 2011

Back to the Spaghetti

After my conversation with Jim last night, the next few things I'm going to say might seem like they contradict what I was "arguing" with him about last night, but they don't...any who...I found myself with another possible interest. I don't think it's one I've spoken of before. At least right now I can't remember him being on here. Anyway, we've been talking a bit. Nothing anywhere near serious. Just getting to know each other better and things of that nature. A bit of flirting. I can admit that. But nothing enough to say that this is really going anywhere. Well, the whole point of this blog is to say that I think that interest has sort of fallen through. Reasons aren't necessary. And I'm going to admit that Jim was right about me being all over the place. Because I am. I think I'm figuring it out though. I'm back where I was when I moved to Florida. Looking for myself. But not in the same way. Because I've found a lot of me since then. I guess it's more that I'm doing some more growing right now and because of it, everything is a little out of whack. I go through this thing. I don't really know what it is, but it's a pattern that has come through my life every few years/months/weeks. It just happens. What it is is change. But not just any kind of change. Things like moving from one city to another. Changing schools. Rearranging my furniture. Haha. Moving to Florida was a big change that caused some readjustment. Moving back to Cali was another one. And now I'm settled into my new room and I have some kind of work and I have a few more people to add to my list of hang out buds. It's the perfect time for that pattern to want to kick in. It's like an instinct I have to need to change things. And it's not that I want to rearrange my room. :P I'm rearranging myself. Metamorphosis. Like I said in my other post. It's like if a butterfly kept going into a cocoon and becoming something else. I'm in the cocoon right now. Except the way this cocoon works, I keep coming out briefly, which is quite uncomfortable, like a werewolf only partially through his transformation back into a man and half of his body is still wolf or something like that. I pop out for a bit and in my strange form, I cause some havoc for myself. One of these days I'll get through this transformation. Until then, I just have to work with it. My heart is in fair condition. My head is on my shoulders. And my feet have been taking m up the Jesus stairs about 3-4 times every weekend. So I think I'm doing pretty good. I'm just in morph mode and I'm craving a new scene. Just like when I moved to Orange County halfway through high school. I don't forget what I'm moving from. I just crave that constant change. I don't know what it is...a reflection of my childhood? Maybe. Something to do with being an artist? Possibly. Am I actually a caterpillar? No! :P That's for certain.

But yea I got off topic...the title is about spaghetti and that's what I meant to get at. I'm back to throwing the spaghetti on the wall in several aspects of my life. Waiting to see which sticks...

It's Morphin' Time (shush Jim)
Nasia :P

1 comment:

  1. ...DONDON!!!! stressing over a midterm tomorrow right now...but dropping by to say HIIIII!!! i miss you much!!! I haven't visited you yet..but one dayyy...hope your morphing time is doing well kekkeke. I'm currently a lost bee flying in circles but I'll figure it outtttttt. =)Lets have a chat/aim date dododoodod. kay going to gooooo byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
