Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spaghetti and Cookies

Today I was making spaghetti so I threw this piece at the wall and it stuck. This is also the 1000th picture on my phone. Well, 1000th taken. The number just keeps going up even if I delete pictures. Anway, why are subway chocolate chip cookies so good?! I have 1 and a half and I was just going to take a piece of the half and save the rest for later, but I actually just ate all of it. Well, most of it. I've got 1/4 left and it's about to get eaten...I'm gonna do some crunches and push-ups after this. My trainer rescheduled my workout for today to tomorrow, but I still want to get something in today. I've got 19 minutes. I just finished the cookies. Azuca is laying where I need to do my crunches. I don't have very much floor space if you've seen my room. Ah! 18 minutes. Alright...

Nasia :P

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