Monday, January 23, 2012


It's interesting how much a sentence's meaning can change by simply changing one word.

If ___ happens, then ____.
When ____ happes, then ____.

Mi toro y yo had a talk about it once. Not the kind of talk that assumes we're gonna get married and all that. It's too soon for that (I don't know who defines what "too soon" is). Any who, he asked if talking about that stuff made me uncomfortable or anything like that, which it did not. It's almost been 3 months that we've been together now. I don't know how to gauge what society finds to be "okay" times in a relationship to start talking about certain subjects or whatever. But I told him as long as he knows the difference between if's and when's then everything is cool. I told him I've thought about IF we ever had kids, I think they'd be super cute and I'd probably name a boy Gabriel. And we've talked about things like that. We haven't talked about marriage and all that stuff. I don't really even have a clue what I'd want my wedding to be like when I am ready to get married. But we have talked about if we lived together, what things would be like and such. I think you don't really know someone until you live with them. And if living with them doesn't change your view of them, well that's obviously a good thing.

The reason I'm writing about this is because, the other night, we were pulling up to my house and he said "when we have our own place..." and continued on, and when he was done I replied "you said when," and smiled. He was like "oh...sorry babe, i was just saying..." But it didn't bother me. Made me pretty happy actually. So of course I reassured him it was alright.

I just started thinking about that because I tweeted "I wish I could come home to him." And of course we'd have to live together for that. It still feels like some far off future event that can possibly occur, but isn't certain, but I really hope it does. I don't get in a relationship with someone that I don't hope to one day marry. Dating is the sort of trial state until you get to that point where you just know each other so well and love each other to an undying degree. Where it's just like, getting married only changes the title of the bond and sets it deeper into the Earth...

bah...falling asleep still...

I got 2 hours of sleep...

Read the last entry to find out why.

Peace, For now,
Mouse <:3 )~

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