Wednesday, January 11, 2012


You know what's annoying?

You know what's worse?
Liars that get other people to believe their lies and let those people run around carrying out the dirty work behind the lies.

And you know what's even more worse than that?
When the liars are loan collectors and the person running around for them is your grandma.

I love my grandma. And I would never do anything to slander her or talk bad about her or hurt her feelings. She cosigned for my student loans so I could finish school and for that I am grateful, but that isn't the point of this entry.

See, I couldn't pay my loans for some time because I didn't have any money (reason I took the loans out in the first place). They call ALL THE TIME bugging about the money like somehow them calling is going to put money in my bank account. No! doesn't work like that. Anyway, they call my grandma all the time, too, who then calls me as well. So then I have loan collectors calling me to pay them and my grandma calling me to pay them as well. What do I do? I try my hardest to please everyone and pay my loans without becoming an emotional wreck, which, if you read any of my blogs, you would know that's nearly impossible. Soooo, I make some payments finally and get a great job and set up a plan with the loan people to just take the money out of my account each month. Everyone is happy. No more calls. No more dealing with anyone. Money just goes and I don't have to think/stress about it. Right? NO! It can't work that way. Of course.

Payment day comes and goes. I still have all my money. Next payment day comes and goes. My grandma is calling me. Sallie Mae is calling me. WTF?!?!?! Okay, so I tell her what I did and she tells me that they don't have my account on file. Finally, when I have the time (because I work all day and they aren't open on weekends) I call and make a payment. Okay, so they don't have my account on file anymore. I give them my account to put on file. THEY HAVE MY FRIKIN ACCOUNT NOW RIGHT? Keep reading.

Not too long ago I get a text from my grandma. These people won't stop calling her. They need my account number. I tell her what I did, but they STILL say they don't have my account. I JUST gave it to them before last year ended. Literally. Did 2012 break their computers? No. They're just IDIOTS. So what do I do? I tell her I'll have my mom take care of it. I get home. I make a payment online. Why didn't I do that before? Because for the longest time their online payment system was...more frustrating than the automated machines that answer when you call to make payments. It's "simpler" now. And so I'll probably stick to doing it this way.

And if I EVER meet someone that works for Sallie Mae or any loan company really...hopefully I have a pet shark by then...

Dear Loan Collectors,

Get eaten by a shark.

Thank You,
Donasia B.

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