Monday, March 5, 2012


Sometimes I wonder if I give too much, if there's such a thing as giving too much, and if there is, how much is too much, how do you know you're giving too much, and how do you NOT give so much, especially if you're already giving so much?

I also wonder if I don't take or ask for enough; do I demand too little and not get what I "deserve", and how do you know what you deserve. I'm told I don't take the credit for things I do. I don't always feel right about taking it. I guess that's also why I don't buy myself much.

I just do what I can when I can for whoever I can for this reason: If I can, and it helps, then why not?

There was a time I didn't even know if people took advantage of it because I'm always so willing to give and help. I didn't really care either. It never bothered me.

Now, I really don't feel like doing stuff sometimes. It's rare, but it happens. Problem? I feel selfish for not feeling like doing it when I'm completely capable and there's no reason not to do it beside that I don't feel like doing it.

I know so many people that can just take and buy and brag without feeling bad about it. I don't feel like they're being selfish for it though.

Why are there so few people that think like this? Who's supposed to help me understand when I'm helping everyone else?

I've always been the one explaining these things to myself...

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