Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Why do we make the choices we choose to make?


In the past few months I've learned one very strong lesson: You only have one life and it isn't promised.

You have to live your life the way you want to live it because you only get one so far as we know.

In the past few days I've made a few choices that some people look down on me for.

(I have to remember to come back to that statement for some detailed ranting.)

I have one life and I do all that I can to be happy in this very moment. My decisions now may or may not cause regrets later, but who knows if I'll even be around later to regret those decisions?

I choose to do what I want to do and I don't let anyone hold me back from my desires because this is MY life.

If I make a mistake I'll suffer for it and I move on.

I didn't get on this "pedestal" from holding back.

Today I heard a very great quote. "All progress is due to the unreasonable man."

If my logic is unreasonable to you, then so be it. It has brought me to great places.

I'm pretty sure lot's of people think God is unreasonable and look what he has done...

Da Vinci, Einstein, all of those "crazies" that are now magnificent.

My point...what was it...it doesn't matter.

God has taken many angels from my world;

Most of them in the past few months.

And I know they lived their lives doing what made them happy no matter what anyone else thought.

They took responsibility for their mistakes and always lived for the here and now.

If this is what will make me happy right now, then this is what I will do.

And I know that I have a huge family and lot's of friends full of support for everything I decide to do.

I can't help but feel like God is taking all his brightest lights to shine back before this year is over.

RIP Jayla and Gilani Taylor, Angelica Goins, and Ten Vazquez. <3

Now about that rant...

Someone I know told me that they believed I was going to fail at something.

Told me that I know that I am going to fail at it.

People reading this, if you DON'T know me, listen up.

If you DO know me, you should already know this.

I don't do things if I know I will fail and I rarely fail at anything.

Maybe I sound cocky, but it's the truth. I'm confident in myself and my abilities.

I might let go of lost causes. I might lose some battles, but I do not fail.

I refuse to fail.

If I haven't got what I want yet, it's not over yet, unless I just stop caring altogether.

I don't need people around me telling me that I can't do something or that I am going to fail at something.

What kind of a person tells someone that they are going to fail?

So, if you find yourself in my life and you want to tell me that I am going to fail, clean up your act or expect me to be very "distant".

Especially, if you yourself have nothing to stand on.

No base to hold your "theories" strong.

I built this life that I live and this person that I have become.

And I know I didn't do it alone, but I made the choices that brought me here.

Until you can say that you've stood where I've stood, all of the negativity that you deal will only be pressed back down on you tenfold.

I am Mous3.

Do NOT underestimate me.

And don't take advantage of my forgiving nature.

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