Sunday, March 11, 2012


What are words?

They are a collection of letters, sounds, vibrations.

They are recognized patterns that we have given meanings to.

Everyday we trade these patterns in exchange for other patterns.

Attached to some of these patterns and vibrations are feelings.

What are feelings?

They are hormones.

Biological triggers.

We hear a certain word or pattern of words and a feeling is triggered.

Some feelings stronger than others.

Yet, it's even deeper than that.

We need the vibrations from a particular source for the particular feeling to be triggered.

Take the words "I love you."

Strong words. Right?


If the right person says them.

Let's say, this right person says a lot of things.

You believe this person.

Because you have no reason not to.

Well, maybe you do have reasons.

Your past.

But this person is new.

Everyone deserves a chance to have a clean slate.

Past set aside.

You believe their words.

They speak them so well.

You let go of your past beliefs.


Just maybe...

This one is for real.



Pattern after pattern.

Vibration hits ear drum.

Hormone triggered.

Heart beats faster.

But it's a pattern.




I'm tired of them.

Prove to me that there is more to them than just vibrations and recognized patterns.

<:3 )~
Solo Mouse

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