Saturday, December 17, 2011

Old FB Drafts

These are just some old drafts that I started writing on facebook, but never posted. I still want to share them, but not on facebook. It's too...too much. Facebook has too many expectations and judging eyes than people realize...

#1 - Sometimes I just feel like a big ball of emotion and I just want to say the things I feel...but some people don't understand what it's like to feel that way and so they tell me to keep those things to myself...there's nothing wrong with wanting to tell the world how you feel...especially when it's as strong of a feeling as this feeling I have...
Some people say I'm stuck in this fairy-tale mindset where everything is happy endings and butterflies and happiness. I'm not "stuck" in a fairy-tale mind...I'm in it on purpose...and if I want to tell someone that I love them to death, I should be allowed to without feeling like a retard. I hate it when people are like "ugh stop being all mushy and corny, etc." Just because you can't find someone to love you doesn't mean I can't show my love for someone else.

#2 - I've learned that sometimes people need a nice, long, meaningful hug from someone they love...and if you happen to be the person they love at the time the best thing to do is just hug them back. Give them a genuine hug. You never know what could be going through their minds when they decide they need a hug and maybe that hug could solve so much for them. Just hug them until they let go of you. I know some people feel awkward about standing in the middle of a room hugging for a real long time, but sometimes it's if your brother/mother/father/cousin/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/friend wants one of those nice, long, meaningful hugs, give them that hug. You never know what it could mean to them.

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