Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Poetic Disaster

There's something about standing behind a mic that makes my palms sweat like all the eyes are on me. You see there's something about standing up on a stage that makes me rewind every moment play by play because all eyes are watching every word I say and if I make a mistake well, you see. I love poetry. I love the way a simple arrangement of words can describe not only the situation but the emotions felt at the time; How people will sit at the edge of their seats when you hold on to a little bit of antici....pation. You awaken them to your world though they may never have seen anything like it, all you have to do is write and recite it and your world becomes theirs. This poem is my will and you're all the heirs. Don't worry about paying fares. The ride is free, but then again I think maybe it's just me. I get up on stage and I'm all you see and all you hear is my poetry. Hoping I could pause...just long enough to get you on the edge of your seat or maybe when I'm done I'd like to see someone brought to their feet, applauding. Just once I'd like to touch a heart so deep that someone shakes my hand when I'm done. There's something about standing in front of a crowd that makes me uncomfortable like I'm suddenly naked and all your Myspace pictures have been taken uploaded to Facebook to be liked and shared and mistaken for something it's not, but what is it? It's me, behind a mic, on a stage, in front of a crowd; Hoping one day to shake your hand proud because my arrangement of words made your heart pound a little faster. 'Til then I'll be this metaphorically naked, sweaty palmed, poetic disaster.

<:3 )~

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