Thursday, October 20, 2011


I've recently been talking with someone I met online. I haven't actually met her in person, but you know what I mean right? I suppose I spend enough time online, it only makes sense I'd make friends here. I mean, I kinda met Christy online. And actually, this is a similar sort of connection I'm trying to express here. Any who, I met her on a site a rarely go to. She just happened to add me one day and we started talking about stuff we're interested in what not. Idk if it's just me, but it always mazes me when someone is so much on the same level as me. Like when I first met Christy, was over Myspace, but I had actually got her info from the roommate list for school. We started talking and it was crazy how well we meshed. We ended up being roommates in college and things were just great. Christy's one of the most awesome people I know. So yea, this girl is really chill. Like, there's a level of understanding there where I can say something and she gets it. That doesn't always happen unless I've spent a lot of time around someone and even still sometimes they don't get me. I think the best part is that she loves the arts, particularly writing. And she's good with it. I haven't read very much of her stuff, but I've read enough to admire it. It's kind of like when I went to the Get Lit open mic thing with Carter and heard those kids perform. There's something about writing that gets me more than singing. If you didn't know, I've got a thing for people that can sing. Mostly I think it's because it's a skill I have yet to get close to mastering that I really wish I was better at. So with writing, I'm constantly learning because there's always new words out there and always new forms of expression through words. The first thing I noticed was her messages actually used proper grammar and if you know about me and grammar, well, I don't have to say much more. That's usually the first thing I notice when people talk to me. It's not that I judge people based on it either because I know a lot of people that don't use proper grammar and it doesn't change who they are or something. I just prefer reading messages that I don't have to guess what was meant because there was a lack of a comma or no period or something. I just highly appreciate well used grammar. Anyway, she also took the time to check out what I'm about and could actually kind of relate to it without trying to make herself sound cool like some people do. You say you draw and they suddenly know the history of the pencil. Lmao. You get what I'm saying right? I can appreciate that though. So then we exchange blogs. She tumbles. I blogger. I get to reading and am suddenly inspired. I'm not sure how she means for her stuff to sound, but I read it in my own voice and it's like the stuff the Get Lit kids were doing. It's like...idk what to call it. It's not that it was the same, because all of those kids were different, but it just hits me the same way. Like, I sit on the edge of my seat when I hear those kids. They have me laughing and crying and thinking all at once. It's crazy. Some people can do that to me with their singing, too. That's why I love singing and music altogether. Piano, guitar, voice, drums. Anything. I can feel the emotion in it and it can overwhelm me. But I'm getting off topic. This connection always gets to me. I don't question it. I just really appreciate it. I mean, were still talking and each message is just more and more like WOW why weren't we friends years ago? It's just super cool...but I'm the type of person that loves people; that enjoys making new connections with people from all over simply for the intellectual or humorous times that can be shared. People interest me. Though probably not enough to go to school to study about them. I'd rather just talk to them. It's interesting to me how people can affect me the way they do. And I love having that affect on people, too. I know she's probably gonna read this so I'm just gonna say thanks and nice to meet you. ^_^

She's not the only person it's happened with recently though. Two months ago I dove into a connection with a guy that really caught my interest. He sings and writes. And his writing captures me in that same way. It's inspired a lot of my writing and my style and even my confidence. And I appreciate him for it.

I love being surrounded by people that make me a better person and I love helping other people to better themselves. Maybe that's why I like school so much. Not only do I love learning, but I love that bond between brains. I think I've been inspired to open a new book.

Hasta la Pasta,
This mouse is reading...
[ | ] <:3 )~ (thats a book...) XD

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