Saturday, September 10, 2011

How Do You Feel?

Today I sort of realized something. Never ask me how I feel too much. I might not necessarily tell you exactly what I'm actually feeling all the time. I won't lie, but I won't tell you what you probably need to hear. If anything, I'll give you some skewed version of what I really feel hidden beneath a layer of nonsense that I can arrange into a logical pattern that a person will either believe or get flipped upside down and confused trying to figure out. Many times, when it's simply an emotion like sadness or anger, it'll be fairly obvious. When it's about those types of feelings that are deeper in the heart though, the ones I'm more vulnerable with, and am more confused about, try to ask only once. To simply ask puts the idea into my head that you are thinking about these things. This in turn causes me to think about these things a bit more and a bit differently. But to ask more than once or too often can become pestering. If you ask and ask and ask, I will think too much and well, if you are learning about me from this blog or already know me pretty well, you know that I think a LOT and when I think too much, things get crazy for me. So try not to pester me with questions of how I feel. If I want you to know exactly how I feel, you will know. If you are confused, I probably am, too. Or I'm stuck in my head trying to figure it out. Ask before I figure it out and you will get a fetus of an answer.'s elementary school they teach us happy, sad, angry, nervous, and other such simple words to explain how we feel. Sometimes I feel like to use one of these words would make explaining how I feel so much easier, but people don't want to hear "Oh, I'm just sad." No. They want to hear "I'm upset because blah blah blah." When I am asked how I feel, from now on, I'm going to try to match my emotion to one of these words and give my answer without explanation. And if I'm asked "well, why are you so ___?" I'm going to say "because life gave me ____ and told me to _____ today." Be it a lemon, a lime, an orange, or lemonade, or whatever else life might hand me that would cause my feelings to be questioned. Right now, I feel pretty happy. Why? Because life gave me my cake and let me eat it today.

The End,
<:3 )~

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