Saturday, September 3, 2011

Blogs, Glee, and Love

I've realized that I love that I have ranted about the things that I have in my blog; especially the things about love and the things that allow me to imagine exactly what it is I'm trying to explain. Some of my entries help me to remember exactly what it is I used to have and why I wanted it so badly and even injects a little bit of it back into me. Glee does that for me as well. It has become what Disney movies have always been for me. It's my life juice. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. It feeds me what I need. It gives me that passion outside of my everyday life to live in and be a part of and restores those feelings of happiness that I only get from those corny moments. Lately, I've been noticing people around me that really show how in love they are with each other and I'm not disgusted by their overused romance lines or goofy smiles at each other. I don't even care how cliche it is. I'm inspired by them. Even some of my younger cousins seem to have grasped this feeling and hold on to it so well. What is love more than a pattern of hormones triggered by nerves reacting to some sensory recognition? It's an idea that there is something more. Period. Whether or not it is necessary for evolution that one being fall in love with another being, it is something that people experience. Many question the validity of such a theoretical idea, but the mere fact that I've experienced it more than once, tells me that it is something real. Love might be intangible, but it is there. As is gravity and time. How do we know there is gravity? We let go of a pencil and it falls. How do we know there is time? There is a change in the world that happens right before our eyes; nothing is simply static forever. And so how do we know there is love? We watch Glee and Disney movies and write blogs and read stories and doodle in the back of our notebooks the name of some girl or guy that we for one reason or another can't simply remove from our minds. It is very often that I am inspired by love. Most of my songs are inspired by love; whether it be gained or lost or simply just felt or imagined. I've noticed since my blog about what love actually is, I haven't really cared so much to know again. Maybe because I'm too busy being excited for my birthday and the new season of Glee. I'm almost curious if I've annoyed anyone on facebook with my gleek nonsense. Almost curious. Oh, and you know what? I think I have a female celebrity crush on Lea Michele. Hahaha. Sorry, Angie. :P

Hasta la pasta!
Mouse <:3 )~

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