Saturday, August 6, 2011


Many people come in and out of our lives every day. Some of those people make a noticeable impact. Some of those people seem to just be there to fill in the space so the world doesn't look so empty. We never know that those space filling people sometimes end up being some of our greatest friends or worst enemies or most magnificent loves. I read something that said "There are no such things as strangers; only future friends." I try to think that way when I encounter people. Whether or not I ever see them again, I smile at people when I pass by them on the street. Not like big cheesy smiles, but a grin to acknowledge their existence. I like to feel that I passed on a more positive energy to people whether or not they asked for it. It's always weird when people catch eye contact with you and look right through you, especially when you say "hey" or grin at them or something. I know a lot of people that would respond to their lack of acknowledgement with things such as "screw you too" and the like. It's very unnecessary. When I find myself in the position of "inexistence" with people, I tend to think about what they must have experienced before our brief encounter or if maybe they just aren't friendly people. People love to pass on bad energy; especially when it was passed to them. If you're driving and someone cuts you off, for the rest of the drive you're an angry driver (if you aren't already one). Imagine someone cuts you off and goes speeding to the light, and the light turns red, and they're right in front of you at the same light you were at, but you continue driving and acting like nothing had happened at all. Instead of shouting inaudible insults, you just continue with your day. Imagine the kind of world this would be if we simply removed road rage; how much happier people would be; how fewer accidents would be caused from people being blinded by anger and stupidity. People have control over things like road rage. You might not be able to stop others from driving like idiots, but you can stop yourself from driving like them. I don't know how this became a blog about road rage, but I'm ending it here. Keep this in mind when you're driving though.


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