Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dream: Military Locker Room

I had this dream last night:

so, the dream starts with me on a bus with a bunch of people. some i know. some i've never seen before. of the people i know, there's Julia from work and a few of my friends from middle school and high school: rochelle, joanna, randi, and some that i knew their faces but couldn't remember their names

we arrive at a compound place with fences and flags and tanks and stuff
that's when i realize we all enlisted i nthe military
then i got excited

the dream skipped to the beginning of our training, we had temporary lockers in this little room where we put our stuff and got dressed in these dark blue khaki pants and white shirts like the breathable athletic type
and we had finger-less gloves. i don't remember much what we did once we got out into the pretend city that was set up

just lots of fake explosions and getting really dirty

then we went back to the locker room where they gave us the combinations to our new lockers in the main locker room, which was like a giant maze city of lockers

they even had gangs based on what your locker aisle or area was

my locker was 324

so i went looking for it, but the lockers weren't really in order.
they were in the general numbered area you'd expect but then you had to really search for the locker after that by looking at each one at a time.

so i put my stuff in my locker finally and went to go shower as new clothes was brought to each locker area, just piles of different sized shirts and pants and then the shoes were labelled with our names on the bottom like completely customized shoes.

when i was coming back from the shower i was just in more blue pants and white shirt because my new clothes hadn't arrived yet. i noticed this one girl following me. she was like a female version of that small leader kid in Ender's Game. white tank top, long pointy nose, dark black slick hair. and angry eyebrows.

eventually she came up to me all aggressive with these 2 big black girls on either side of her. she told me stop looking at her so i apologized and kept going back to my locker (which i had no idea where it was. i was pretty lost i nthe maze locker room)

the pointy nose girl tried to trip me but i brushed it off and kept walking. i think her name was priscilla

she got really mad and one of the black girls grabbed me from behind

then a girl that was hanging out up top of the lockers said "don't fret kid, she just likes you."

then priscilla got really red and angry and stormed off

she was embarrassed

i just said thanks and left to go find my locker

i swear i was searching everywhere. everything looked the same. the room was full of girls and clothes scattered everywhere.

then suddenly i was grabbed up by some more big girls and brought to this one area that looked like the locker room was turned into a post apocalyptic camp site

they brought me "inside" the area through a makeshift gate and there sat julia as the "leader" of this particular gang

she wanted something from me but i had no idea what and when i wouldn't hand it over they were going to do something to me but i ran before they could and she chased me

it was crazy running from her. i eventually had to jump up on the lockers and crawl through this vent to the other side of the locker room and jump out. then they gave up chasing me

i also fiiiinally found my locker again and got my new clothes and shoes and put them on. i felt like a badass

then my friends met up with me as well and people were high fiving me and i didn't understand why

then julia came out and i was going to run but then she smiled and gave me a hug and said welcome to the gang and gave me a patch. then the bell rang for us to get ready for training more and i woke up

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