Monday, June 20, 2011

In Love?

What does it mean to be in love? To start, I have to say, no, I'm not in love right now. I'm just thinking. I've been in love before and all I can remember is at first I'm not and then at some point I am. I don't remember the transition or if there was one or if it just happened like popcorn kernels to popcorn. I remember having a feeling that I like someone. I remember my senses changing around a certain person. But I don't remember the exact moment when I suddenly felt I was in love. Like, is there a certain general range of time where all it takes is saying that you are and it becomes true? I've had love at first sight before. I believe I wrote about it on here with that puppy. There was a time before that. That was when I got my cat, Azuca. Never with a person though. That seems to take quite a bit of time. I'll just be sitting there with them or even by myself and know that I'm in love with them. I just don't remember the point when it happened. That probably doesn't matter, but it's still something I think about. What made me fall in love at that moment? And what does being in love really mean? So far, I feel like it's just an addiction. The same way one can be addicted to actual drugs or food or anything else. I believe the heightened senses a person gets from another person, causes one to "fall in love." It isn't immediate. As no addiction that I know of is immediate. It takes constant, consistent doses of the same drug. I don't even think it's necessary to enjoy the drug all the time...and that's how people fall in love with "the wrong person." Having love taken from you is similar to being in withdrawal.

This strangely makes sense to me...

What a life we live...

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