Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Reading Between the BS

I don't understand people that say things like:
"Can I throw out your chocolate cake because it's calling my name?"

And you say that they can control themselves not to eat the cake for their own health reasons,

But they say that it's difficult and that you can't point out their gut and such because of the temptation YOU are putting in front of THEM.

And then you answer that they should be able to control themselves not to eat someone else's cake anyway,

And they respond with:
"I am, but my point is that it's just going to sit there and get moldy and smell bad."

I thought your point was that you can't control yourself to not eat the cake!

To me, this comes down to: You just wanna throw out my cake.

Everything else is just a reason you're giving yourself to do it.

You've dug this hole and now you're pulling at anything to climb out.

I'm not in the hole with you.

And if I were,

I could easily climb out

Because I exercise

And control how much cake I eat...

Be responsible for what YOU do...

It's YOUR life...

And don't go and offer someone else's cake to another person the next day like it's yours to give away...

If people wanna leave their cake to mold even after you suggested tossing it, let them.

It's their cake to do whatever the heck they want with it...

Especially if it's in their fridge...

Here's a phrase you can quote me on:
"If you're gonna leave crumbs, at least be the one buying the bread."

Peace and Love and Stuff,

Monday, June 3, 2013

Important Rant

I've come to realize something that's really, really lame. People don't care about you. That's not entirely true, but let me explain what I mean. It might just be me...which is still really unfortunate and saddening, but whatevers, just read on...

I don't even know how to start explaining...

Pretty much, it's like this: There are people that I care about (friends, family, etc.) that put on a "front" (in quotes because I don't really know what it is, but that's the best word for it) that they want me around, wanna hang with me, miss me, wanna see me, blah blah blah, but when I'm available (and for the last month I've been very available) I'm the last to be thought about. I might be seeing things wrong, but I'm only a priority to people when they need something from me. They don't try to see me or talk to me just because they want to. They do it when I can offer them something or when it's convenient. Right now, I can't really offer much, and I've been trying to be around. One of the main reasons I moved back here is because I wanted to be closer to these people. All the time I was gone they wanted me around and now that I'm here, they don't come see me.

There are, of course, people that DON'T fit into that paragraph up there, and I'm very grateful to have those people. I'm grateful for all of them, the others just make it hard to care about being grateful.

This video reminded me of a lot of great things. One of those things is that my world is only as big as the people in it and it feels very tiny and I'm suffocating in the loneliness. Of course, having a car and job would help with that a lot because I could just go all over and pay for it. But the video reminded me of another thing, which is that if you're unhappy with things, change them, and I did, BUT I'm still unhappy which means...


It's just very difficult...these things that I need to change...I don't know exactly how to change them. I need to be more of a people person. I need to know how to talk, but more-so, how to SPEAK, and speak UP. I do sometimes, but I don't know what triggers it...and when I notice that I'm NOT doing it, I feel like I need to stop for a second and fix myself, but it's difficult to make a pit stop in the middle of things. It's not exactly a concrete event like in NASCAR. There's no guided lane to pit stop. In life, you just choose to do it. And choices are HARD, man...

How do you make yourself not fear the future? I'm not Will Smith's son in After Earth and I'm not fighting monsters for my survival. The subtler, less extreme scenarios always feel so much more difficult.

I'm way off topic...

I just wish people showed their care and appreciation for me more. The people that do, do it well, and the people that don't, need to realize that I'm not gonna be here every time they need me and I'm not always going to say yes just because I happen to be here and I can. I say yes to things because I want to. I want to help. I want to be shown gratitude. I want to make a good difference in people's lives. I know they won't know until I SPEAK UP, but I've always got a "but". Some reason why I won't.

ugh -_____-

I annoy myself.