Sunday, November 13, 2011


Man, there's so much stuff I need to take care of when I go back to LA. Whenever that is. Oh, I'm in San Diddy now for anyone that didn't know. Working out here with my bro now. Woah now. Mouse is collecting a lil dough now. Hahahaha. Okay I'm done. But yea, I wanna get my hair cut. Get my style in tact. Get everything just cleaned up and organized. I came out here in a quick flash. Didn't really have time to really be prepared for days like this where I'm just chilling on the couch. Like, if I had my skateboard, I'd go ride to the little downtown area that I keep seeing signs for or even to the mall or somewhere. I have a car here, but I don't wanna drive. I wanna experience the city. I'm used to exploring on my own. I did it in Florida. I did it when I came back to LA. I kinda did it in Huntington, but I usually had my lil bro with me. It still counts though. The two of us biking or skating around and going into places just 'cause. I did that in Florida. Biked to the mall or down the bike path or just anywhere with or without a friend or two. I remember one time Chris, his buddy, and I biked all the way to downtown Orlando. Through rain and cold and humidity. That was a cool adventure. I don't like adventuring in a car unless we're going waaaay far or something. We still have to get out of the car and walk around. That's why public transportation is cool. You can just get off wherever and see all the people and explore. I wanna explore Mexicali. I think that's what this is anyway. Might as well be, if it isn't already. There's gotta be something around here to catch my interest. I bet there's a poetry night at a cafe around here that I'm sooo missing out on on some night of the week. There's a yoga place around the corner that I considered walking into. I'm gonna have to make Sundays ExploreDay when I get my bike or skateboard or a scooter or SOMETHING.

It would also be cool to have my desk. Photoshopping without it can be rather...un-preferred. Stupid red ant line, go away. un-preferred needs to be a word...I use it a lot.

Anyway, gonna play in Photoshop.

<:3 )~

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