Saturday, July 30, 2011


I did some "enhancement painting" on these two pictures:


I think they say a lot about each other...

O._.O Mouse

Friday, July 29, 2011


I have found myself wanting to truly and honestly forgive him that caused most of the things this blog has become centered around. I guess that's a big step forward. Maybe one day I'll muster up the will to talk to him again. I'm tired of being angry and all misshapen. Until then, and probably a while longer, I'm keeping away from that thing called love...or I should say, I'm not making any effort at all to find it.

Also, anyone that wants to try to find it in me, your attempts may be futile for about another 6 months. I'm not the type to be "woo'ed" so, just be my friend and hope for the best. You gotta be a ninja to get through to my heart. Sneak up on it or something. Idk. I just know the usual stuff like blatantly telling me you like me doesn't always work as well as you'd hope.

Anyway, I think that's all I want to say for now.

Peace and stuff,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I think I'm depressed because I'm disappointed with my current level of work ethic and passion (or lack of either) and until I figure that out, I won't be able to allow myself any sort of partnership. I'm unhappy with myself and no one beside me can fix that. I need to lock myself up in my Batcave and hack out something amazing before I lose all will to exist.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Horoscope - July 13, 2011

You could be leaving on a spiritual journey that's just for you today. You are exploring ways to reclaim your power, but the current dynamics might not support your growth. Don't try to manipulate circumstances in your favor. Your strength will return naturally as you rediscover your metaphysical center of gravity. Realign with your core values and exhibit the highest integrity possible in all that you do.
It's so weird...Horoscopes are weird.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Some Writing seems I'm never at a loss for words when no one's around to hear them...

staring at the blinking text indicator
waiting for it to reveal the words i need to say to you
my hands feel like foreigners
sitting on the home keys.
im hoping at some point
the muscles in my fingers will contract
and press the proper letters
before i have a moment to think of what i should say
because my thoughts have brought us to this point
and my heart wants nothing to do with me.
i'm left with no sort of direction
beside the motor functions that define life
and if i stand up and start walking
i'll be going nowhere
because everywhere is nowhere without love
or at least passion
and i don't know where or how to find either
so i'll just sit here in my own misery
waiting for your fingers to develop a well organized process of thoughts or feelings
that i can try to reply to
and though the words never come out so smoothly when i say them
i let my mind trigger my fingers to type out phrases
and just before i hit enter i look at my own reflection
and i wonder if your face looks any more sad than my own
somehow i hit enter and i leave the page
returning only to make sure that i had actually hit enter
you're typing.
what could you be saying
no anxiety enters my skin
no butterflies
i'm not nervous
i just want to stop
i just want to end it all
pretend you were just my friend all along
and we just had a fun time
and hearts were never involved
love was never a factor
but i get to the end of my storybook
and you're still there
awkwardly grinning because you don't cry
not at first at least
and with all the sincerity my body posses i type
I'm sorry.
I'm so so sorry.
Yet no matter how many so's or sorry's are revealed by that text indicator,
It never suffices.
I know your pain
I know no amount of apologies will take that away
You have every right to be angry with me
But you're not
You think you've lost me
But I lost me first...