I feel like I've come to a point where writing doesn't even get the point across anymore. People don't even read things fully anymore. They skim it. They get the gist of it, but they don't put the time or effort into understanding it. At least, not the same amount that you put into writing it out.
You know what, it's the same with talking to people, too. They just listen for the main points, but they don't care about the details. "You want me to paint the house yellow? Okay doing it now!" And you're still standing there trying to explain that it has to be a soft yellow because you don't want to be the brightest house on the block, but it's too late. They already ran off to paint the house yellow. Crayola yellow.
I try my best to really listen to people when they're telling me things. Sometimes, I get bored and I understand that happens. I understand that I may bore people sometimes as well. Everyone isn't going to be as enthusiastic about things as you are. Everyone isn't going to car about what you're saying. I think what I'm trying to say is care about the person who wrote the long paragraph for you to read or who wants to tell you this story they're so excited about.
People used to put the time in. I think things like Facebook and twitter have influenced people to be this way. They want something short and sweet and then scroll to the next one. They do it every day to the point that it's what they feel is normal and everything else is TLDR: Too Long Didn't Read.
This is happening to everything. Look at Vine. It's youtube for ADD kids. At one point, youtube used to be youtube for ADD kids. Just 7 seconds of your attention please! Is being so connected worth anything at all when you don't even care about the connections you're making?
Look at Justin Bieber. He's become a little asshole. Why? Because he doesn't care about his fans. He has millions of them. He spits on a few, oh well, there are a million more. He has no respect.
Media has no respect. They want to feed your hungry little duck lips with all the sweet junk they can cook up in their billion dollar office buildings. And you eat it up. Why do you eat it? You think it has some sort of substance and nutrients to sustain your life. To make you not "bored".
If you're bored, you're an idiot. End of story. READ A BOOK. LEARN SOMETHING. Take part in the things in life that uplift you as a person. Get interested in deeper things. You're bored because you're swimming in a puddle hoping to surf and scuba dive and see beautiful fish and coral reefs. You need a deeper body of water for things like that, buddy.
But you won't leave that puddle because society brings you a new rubber duck right before you do. They look for trends. They see when people are losing interest in things. They get paid to do this. They get paid WELL. You're bored? Here's our newest line of "Puddle Glitter". Now, your puddle sparkles in the daylight!
And just when that gets boring...wait! Now we have glow in the dark sparkles! So it sparkles at night, too!
You're all becoming a bunch of illiterates with an attention span shorter than your favorite Vine video. I bet you just skip to your favorite parts, right? Your favorite part of 7 seconds?
Why do you think we have the term "Grammar Nazi"? It's because the majority of people online has become unable to use proper grammar so they resort to name calling. Pick on the one that's "different"...even if different is better for you.
I'm done with this blog for now...
- Mous3